NT Authority System shut down....



Please first understand I am aware of WHY I am receiving this system shut down
I have ran a full Norton virus scan and it came up finding no viruses on my system
I have also updated the latest virus definitions, etc...
I downlaoded and ran the removal tools for both the sasser and blaster worm viruses and they both resulted
in not finding any virus on my computer either
So, how come then, this NT AUTHORITY SYSTEM shut down is taking place and shutting down and restarting my PC
It has happened twice to me while on-line today and I am baffled and out of solutions..
Any suggestions

Carey Frisch [MVP]

Virus Alert About the Blaster Worm and Its Variants

Carey Frisch
Microsoft MVP
Windows XP - Shell/User

Be Smart! Protect your PC!


| Please first understand I am aware of WHY I am receiving this system shut down.
| I have ran a full Norton virus scan and it came up finding no viruses on my system.
| I have also updated the latest virus definitions, etc....
| I downlaoded and ran the removal tools for both the sasser and blaster worm viruses and they both resulted
| in not finding any virus on my computer either.
| So, how come then, this NT AUTHORITY SYSTEM shut down is taking place and shutting down and restarting my
| It has happened twice to me while on-line today and I am baffled and out of solutions...
| Any suggestions?
| Blessings,
| Apeke


DUMP NORTON, You have a virus on the system. Norton couldn't catch a common
cold !

Carey Frisch said:
Virus Alert About the Blaster Worm and Its Variants

Carey Frisch
Microsoft MVP
Windows XP - Shell/User

Be Smart! Protect your PC!

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------

| Please first understand I am aware of WHY I am receiving this system shut down.
| I have ran a full Norton virus scan and it came up finding no viruses on my system.
| I have also updated the latest virus definitions, etc....
| I downlaoded and ran the removal tools for both the sasser and blaster
worm viruses and they both resulted
| in not finding any virus on my computer either.
| So, how come then, this NT AUTHORITY SYSTEM shut down is taking place
and shutting down and restarting my

Ron Martell

Apeke said:
Please first understand I am aware of WHY I am receiving this system shut down.
I have ran a full Norton virus scan and it came up finding no viruses on my system.
I have also updated the latest virus definitions, etc....
I downlaoded and ran the removal tools for both the sasser and blaster worm viruses and they both resulted
in not finding any virus on my computer either.
So, how come then, this NT AUTHORITY SYSTEM shut down is taking place and shutting down and restarting my PC?
It has happened twice to me while on-line today and I am baffled and out of solutions...
Any suggestions?

Get a second opinion on the virus. Download Stinger (free) from
http://vil.nai.com/vil/stinger and run it to check for the more common
viruses including Sasser and Blaster.

Also there are quite a number of valid (e.g. not virus related) error
messages that can mention NT Authority System. The virus related
ones will also mention RPC (Blaster) or LSASS (Sasser).

Right-click on My Computer and select Manage.
Expand the Event Viewer category and browse through each of the 3
subcategories looking for red-flagged error records whose date and
time corresponds to your NT Authority System errors.
Double-click on an error record to see the details of that error.
Post the error details back here if you need additional advice or

Good luck

Ron Martell Duncan B.C. Canada
Microsoft MVP
On-Line Help Computer Service

"The reason computer chips are so small is computers don't eat much."


thank you for the advice about Stinger
I did download and run that program and I don't think it found any viruses or worms either. (Increasing my frustration...
As it concluded it's scan, the final results said: "number of clean files...." and it showed a number following that
There was nothing more stated
I also right clicked and opened up the manage under my computer and I did find a few ERROR records listed, for today, but have NO IDEA of their meaning
I don't know what is behind this error and shut down
I'm lost and frustrated......


This is a nasty worm and i have been strugling for weeks and lost my hard drive and thought all was over. I got help here thank god to get my disk restored and formatted. After retoring and formatting your disks You will have to make a "new cannection " for your ISP so you can put up the firewall before you go on the internet or youwill just be blasted again and it won;t be pretty. go directly to Microsoft and download all the secutity up dates including this on first (kb835732) Good Luck

Ron Martell

APEKE said:
thank you for the advice about Stinger.
I did download and run that program and I don't think it found any viruses or worms either. (Increasing my frustration...)
As it concluded it's scan, the final results said: "number of clean files...." and it showed a number following that.
There was nothing more stated.
I also right clicked and opened up the manage under my computer and I did find a few ERROR records listed, for today, but have NO IDEA of their meaning.
I don't know what is behind this error and shut down.
I'm lost and frustrated.......

What you need to do is to make note of the current time when you get
one of those "NT Authority...." messages.

Then go back into the "Manage" window and find the error record with
that time stamp.

Double-click on the error record to see the details of that specific

On the left side of the error detail window are three icons - an up
arrow, a down arrow, and a text page symbol. Click on the text page
symbol to copy the error details to the windows clipboard. Then post
a reply to this message and use Ctrl+V to paste the clipboard
information into the reply.

Good luck

Ron Martell Duncan B.C. Canada
Microsoft MVP
On-Line Help Computer Service

"The reason computer chips are so small is computers don't eat much."

Ron Martell

j.craig said:
This is a nasty worm and i have been strugling for weeks and lost my hard drive and thought all was over. I got help here thank god to get my disk restored and formatted. After retoring and formatting your disks You will have to make a "new cannection " for your ISP so you can put up the firewall before you go on the internet or youwill just be blasted again and it won;t be pretty. go directly to Microsoft and download all the secutity up dates including this on first (kb835732) Good Luck

We have already established that this person does not repeat does not
have the Blaster or Sasser worms on his computer.

There are *dozens* of legitimate error conditions that can trigger an
error message containing the words "NT Authority System". We are now
trying to identify which of these specific problems he is

Ron Martell Duncan B.C. Canada
Microsoft MVP
On-Line Help Computer Service

"The reason computer chips are so small is computers don't eat much."

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