NT Apm/Legacy Interface Node....virus or problem?


That guy.

Under System Information - Components - Problem Devices it tells me this.
Device: NT Apm/Legacy Interface Node
PNP Device ID: ROOT\NTAPM\0000 22
Error Code: 22

Is this a real problem or could it be a virus? I had a Symantec Anti-virus
warning for something similiar.


Its your power management

To remove it, disable the Power down setting in your computer's BIOS & when
you restart, it will be gone.

No, its not a virus & you could leave it as is if you want to.

To enter BIOS:

Restart computer & press DELETE. This should take you into the BIOS. Find
the Power Management option, disable it.

Now, press F10 ((function keys 10) Save & Exit), make sure it says 'Y' &
press ENTER.

Your computer will now restart & go into Windows as normal.

Right-click MY COMPUTER & choose PROPERTIES (left-click once)

Click the HARDWARE tab at the top

Click the DEVICE MANAGER button (half-way down on the right)

Now, the Power Management has either disappeared or showing ok.

Whilst in DEVICE MANAGER. Check to see all other devices are just '+' in the
list & none of them are yellow. If any are yellow then you have another
problem. Otherwise, everything is OK

I hope this helps

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