Here's the problem. I'm pretty sure this is a windows dns issue.
Here's the setup. We have externally hosted MX and A records for
directing email and access to our website. Internally there is a proxy
server holding MX and A records for the internal domain just for
relaying. Next I have the proxy server sending records to an antivirus
gateway with then forwards them to our novell groupwise system.
We our running W2k AD and our external domain is the same as the
internal (setup that way before I got here). I have the www. A record
in the AD dns so that we can access our website which is hosted
externally by a hosting company. In the AD DNS, the forwarder is the
proxy server. When I do an nslookup from an AD workstation and set
type=mx, it returns records for the AD server. If I do the same for
another domain records that are on the proxy server, it returns the mx
data expectedly for that domain.
Q1. How do I correct this issue on AD to return the mx record?
Q2. If I run an mx query from my novell server, the error "can't find
xxx.com. no response from server" is displayed. I also have a AD DNS
server address listed as a nameserver in resolv.cfg
Here's the setup. We have externally hosted MX and A records for
directing email and access to our website. Internally there is a proxy
server holding MX and A records for the internal domain just for
relaying. Next I have the proxy server sending records to an antivirus
gateway with then forwards them to our novell groupwise system.
We our running W2k AD and our external domain is the same as the
internal (setup that way before I got here). I have the www. A record
in the AD dns so that we can access our website which is hosted
externally by a hosting company. In the AD DNS, the forwarder is the
proxy server. When I do an nslookup from an AD workstation and set
type=mx, it returns records for the AD server. If I do the same for
another domain records that are on the proxy server, it returns the mx
data expectedly for that domain.
Q1. How do I correct this issue on AD to return the mx record?
Q2. If I run an mx query from my novell server, the error "can't find
xxx.com. no response from server" is displayed. I also have a AD DNS
server address listed as a nameserver in resolv.cfg