You've stated that you follow the correct process entering data, but
get an error message.
That's not nearly enough to go on to make even a wild speculation.
About the only useful advice anyone could give is: Look at Help for
the function or functions you're using and enter the correct number
of arguments. Or perhaps: Check your parentheses.
If you want someone to help you figure out what's going on, you need
to tell us what you've tried to enter. It's obviously *not* correct,
so we'll need to see the exact formula you've written in order to
help you correct it.
AFAIK, there are no functions in XL that are machine/version
dependent for their argument list, so you might also go back and
really look at the one that is successful and see if you can find
the differences. From your description, I can't tell if you're using
User Defined Functions or not - that might vary if the UDFs are not
contained in the same workbook and therefore could be different
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