Is that actually to say that they will refuse to let you on a forum if
you don't have a free version? But as I said, they don't even answer my
reports from the paid version sign-on. One time after my very first
request they sent me an auto-report program that didn't report. Now they
don't even reply. (The problem? It tries to do updates all day and all
night long when I have automatic Updates unchecked and scheduled update
set to once a day at 12:00.)
A detail I omitted is that I got the system to send me Username/Password
info. I went directly from their message to the forum with the username
and password (with cookies turned on). Thereupon the system told me
there was no such username and password listed - - after notifying me
exactly what they were!! I even did cut-n-paste.
Tom [Pepper] Willett said:
If you have moved to a paid version of the AVG 8, they don't have
They have email support.
: Has anybody here got onto the AVG Forum?
: I switched from AVG 7 Free and a great experience to AVG 8 Expensive
: have had nothing but trouble since - and they do NOT address problems.
: When I try to get on the forum the system goes into a loop.
: --
: JimL