Sorry about lack of Tech terminology
Windows XP SP2
Been struggling 2 weeks now. Have one Admin. account and two limirted
Booted up and all icons crowded to left of screen. PC very slow.
Re-arranged Admin icons o.k but limited acco8unts won't stay changed.
Also limited accounts gives only colored backgrown to desktop and won't
change, Taskbar is locked and won't change and cannot reach certain
online sites.
I have Spyware, BOClean and SpywareGuard running and I have run in
Normal and Safe modes all the following:
Anti-AV (Sophos, Trend, McAfee, Kaspersky) ,Norton AV, AdAware, The
Cleaner, CounterSpy, Ewido, MSAS, Spybot, TrojanHunter.
Ewido found a mess of tracking cookies and ate them but nothing eles was
found except a few errors amd som inaccessable files except for
Kaspersky. Kaspersky statet it found two viruses in Normal mode and four
viruses in Safe Mode but it did not clean them nor name the viruses so I
knew what I had. I have tried to revert using an old copy of Go Back and
using System Restore. Neither will revert to an earlier day.
Any suggestions as to next step(s)? I have a *Ghost* back-up about 6
months old but hate to lose that much data. I am considering new limited
accounts and deleting the old affected ones and of course there's the
old 'junk and chunk' option. Any other alternative(s) greatly
appreciated by this not too PC literate guy with mucho thanks. Sob.
Windows XP SP2
Been struggling 2 weeks now. Have one Admin. account and two limirted
Booted up and all icons crowded to left of screen. PC very slow.
Re-arranged Admin icons o.k but limited acco8unts won't stay changed.
Also limited accounts gives only colored backgrown to desktop and won't
change, Taskbar is locked and won't change and cannot reach certain
online sites.
I have Spyware, BOClean and SpywareGuard running and I have run in
Normal and Safe modes all the following:
Anti-AV (Sophos, Trend, McAfee, Kaspersky) ,Norton AV, AdAware, The
Cleaner, CounterSpy, Ewido, MSAS, Spybot, TrojanHunter.
Ewido found a mess of tracking cookies and ate them but nothing eles was
found except a few errors amd som inaccessable files except for
Kaspersky. Kaspersky statet it found two viruses in Normal mode and four
viruses in Safe Mode but it did not clean them nor name the viruses so I
knew what I had. I have tried to revert using an old copy of Go Back and
using System Restore. Neither will revert to an earlier day.
Any suggestions as to next step(s)? I have a *Ghost* back-up about 6
months old but hate to lose that much data. I am considering new limited
accounts and deleting the old affected ones and of course there's the
old 'junk and chunk' option. Any other alternative(s) greatly
appreciated by this not too PC literate guy with mucho thanks. Sob.