Brent White
I got this code from the web service site (but of course they have no
kind of implied warranty on it) that builds a URL with a querystring
and sends it. Naturally, the parameters (of which there are a ton, no
idea why they don't want XML input, but I digress) are separated by &
signs. I know if you try to encode a string with an & character in a
URL, it comes out as %26 to prevent improper parsing.
However, this code seems to be encoding the variable delimiters (&) as
well (encoding it at &, causing the request to be refused. This
is the code:
Imports System.Web.Services
Imports System.Web.Services.Protocols
Imports System.ComponentModel
<System.Web.Services.WebService(Namespace:="http://badger.com/")> _
<ToolboxItem(False)> _
Public Class Service1
Inherits System.Web.Services.WebService
<WebMethod()> _
Public Function AuthorizeAPI(ByVal Input1 As InformationToPass) As
Dim rp As New ReturnParams
Dim currentDomain As AppDomain = AppDomain.CurrentDomain
'for regular unhandled stuff
AddHandler currentDomain.UnhandledException, AddressOf
'for threads behind forms
'AddHandler Application.ThreadException, AddressOf
Dim whr
Dim data
Dim WWW_OR_DEVELOPER As String = "Developer"
whr = CreateObject("WinHTTP.Winhttprequest.5.1")
whr.settimeouts(0, 0, 120000, 240000)
whr.Open("POST", "https://" & WWW_OR_DEVELOPER &
".skipjackic.com/scripts/evolvcc.dll?Authorize", False)
data = ""
whr.SetRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-
Dim qString
qString = ""
'Return "Hi, this page is served by Brent White's own system
and can be looked at " & Input1.SecondParam & " times."
'Return Input1.SerialNumber
qString = qString & "SerialNumber=" &
Server.UrlEncode(Input1.SerialNumber) & Chr(26)
'Return Input1.Dev_SerialNumber
qString = qString & "DeveloperSerialNumber=" &
Input1.Dev_SerialNumber & "&"
qString = qString & "SJName=" & Input1.SJName & "&"
qString = qString & "Email=" & Input1.Email & "&"
qString = qString & "StreetAddress=" & Input1.BillStreet & "&"
qString = qString & "StreetAddress2=" & Input1.BillStreet2 &
qString = qString & "StreetAddress3=" & Input1.BillStreet3 &
qString = qString & "StreetAddress4=" & Input1.BillStreet4 &
qString = qString & "City=" & Input1.BillCity & "&"
qString = qString & "State=" & Input1.BillState & "&"
qString = qString & "Zip=" & Input1.BillZip & "&"
qString = qString & "Country=" & Input1.BillCountry & "&"
qString = qString & "Phone=" & Input1.BillPhone & "&"
qString = qString & "Fax=" & Input1.BillFax & "&"
qString = qString & "ShipToStreetAddress=" & Input1.ShipStreet
& "&"
qString = qString & "ShipToStreetAddress2=" &
Input1.ShipStreet2 & "&"
qString = qString & "ShipToStreetAddress3=" &
Input1.ShipStreet3 & "&"
qString = qString & "ShipToStreetAddress4=" &
Input1.ShipStreet4 & "&"
qString = qString & "ShipToCity=" & Input1.ShipCity & "&"
qString = qString & "ShipToState=" & Input1.ShipState & "&"
qString = qString & "ShipToZip=" & Input1.ShipZip & "&"
qString = qString & "ShipToCountry=" & Input1.ShipCountry &
qString = qString & "ShipToPhone=" & Input1.ShipPhone & "&"
qString = qString & "ShipToFax=" & Input1.ShipFax & "&"
qString = qString & "OrderNumber=" & Input1.OrderNumber & "&"
qString = qString & "AccountNumber=" & Input1.AccountNumber &
qString = qString & "Month=" & Input1.MonthExpr & "&"
qString = qString & "Year=" & Input1.YearExpr & "&"
qString = qString & "CVV2=" & Input1.CVV2 & "&"
qString = qString & "TransactionAmount=" &
Input1.TransactionAmount & "&"
qString = qString & "CustomerTax=" & Input1.SalesTax & "&"
qString = qString & "CustomerCode=" & Input1.CustomerCode &
qString = qString & "PurchaseOrderNumber=" & Input1.PONumber &
qString = qString & "ShippingAmount=" & Input1.ShippingAmount
& "&"
qString = qString & "SummaryCommodityCode=" &
Input1.SummaryCommodityCode & "&"
qString = qString & "orderstring_lvl3=" &
'rp.SJName = Input1.SJName
'rp.Email = Input1.Email
'Return Input1.BillStreet
'Return Input1.BillStreet2
'Return Input1.BillStreet3
'Return Input1.BillStreet4
'Return Input1.BillCity
'Return Input1.BillState
'Return Input1.BillZip
'Return Input1.BillCountry
'Return Input1.BillPhone
'Return Input1.BillFax
'Return Input1.ShipName
'Return Input1.ShipStreet
'Return Input1.ShipStreet2
'Return Input1.ShipStreet3
'Return Input1.ShipStreet4
'Return Input1.ShipCity
'Return Input1.ShipState
'Return Input1.ShipZip
'Return Input1.ShipCountry
'Return Input1.ShipPhone
'Return Input1.ShipFax
'Return Input1.AccountNumber
'Return Input1.MonthExpr
'Return Input1.YearExpr
'Return Input1.CVV2
'rp.TransactionAmount = Val(5 * Input1.TransactionAmount)
'Return Input1.TransactionAmount
'Return Input1.SalesTax
'Return Input1.CustomerCode
'Return Input1.PONumber
'Return Input1.ShippingAmount
'Return Input1.SummaryCommodityCode
'Return Input1.OrderString_lvl3
On Error Resume Next
On Error Resume Next
data = data & whr.responsetext
If Not IsNothing(whr) Then
whr = Nothing
End If
Return qString
'Return data
'rp.SJName = data
'Return rp
End Function
Private Sub MYExceptionHandler(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As
Dim EX As Exception
EX = e.ExceptionObject
End Sub
Private Sub MYThreadHandler(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As
End Sub
End Class
Public Class InformationToPass
Public SerialNumber As String = {private} 'Removed actual value
from pasted code
Public Dev_SerialNumber As String = {private} 'Removed actual
value from pasted code
Public SJName As String
Public Email As String
Public BillStreet As String
Public BillStreet2 As String
Public BillStreet3 As String
Public BillStreet4 As String
Public BillCity As String
Public BillState As String
Public BillZip As String
Public BillCountry As String
Public BillPhone As String
Public BillFax As String
Public ShipName As String
Public ShipStreet As String
Public ShipStreet2 As String
Public ShipStreet3 As String
Public ShipStreet4 As String
Public ShipCity As String
Public ShipState As String
Public ShipZip As String
Public ShipCountry As String
Public ShipPhone As String
Public ShipFax As String
Public OrderNumber As String
Public AccountNumber As String
Public MonthExpr As String
Public YearExpr As String
Public CVV2 As String
Public TransactionAmount As String
Public SalesTax As String
Public CustomerCode As String
Public PONumber As String
Public ShippingAmount As String
Public SummaryCommodityCode As String
Public OrderString_lvl3 As String
End Class
Public Class ReturnParams
Public SJName As String
Public Email As String
Public TransactionAmount As String
End Class
The "&" characters keep getting picked up as & (except in the
first parameter, which shows it as #x1A;
When the request gets passed to the service, it treats each field as
Why is this not working? It seems to run counter to every example
I've seen on the internet.
kind of implied warranty on it) that builds a URL with a querystring
and sends it. Naturally, the parameters (of which there are a ton, no
idea why they don't want XML input, but I digress) are separated by &
signs. I know if you try to encode a string with an & character in a
URL, it comes out as %26 to prevent improper parsing.
However, this code seems to be encoding the variable delimiters (&) as
well (encoding it at &, causing the request to be refused. This
is the code:
Imports System.Web.Services
Imports System.Web.Services.Protocols
Imports System.ComponentModel
<System.Web.Services.WebService(Namespace:="http://badger.com/")> _
<ToolboxItem(False)> _
Public Class Service1
Inherits System.Web.Services.WebService
<WebMethod()> _
Public Function AuthorizeAPI(ByVal Input1 As InformationToPass) As
Dim rp As New ReturnParams
Dim currentDomain As AppDomain = AppDomain.CurrentDomain
'for regular unhandled stuff
AddHandler currentDomain.UnhandledException, AddressOf
'for threads behind forms
'AddHandler Application.ThreadException, AddressOf
Dim whr
Dim data
Dim WWW_OR_DEVELOPER As String = "Developer"
whr = CreateObject("WinHTTP.Winhttprequest.5.1")
whr.settimeouts(0, 0, 120000, 240000)
whr.Open("POST", "https://" & WWW_OR_DEVELOPER &
".skipjackic.com/scripts/evolvcc.dll?Authorize", False)
data = ""
whr.SetRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-
Dim qString
qString = ""
'Return "Hi, this page is served by Brent White's own system
and can be looked at " & Input1.SecondParam & " times."
'Return Input1.SerialNumber
qString = qString & "SerialNumber=" &
Server.UrlEncode(Input1.SerialNumber) & Chr(26)
'Return Input1.Dev_SerialNumber
qString = qString & "DeveloperSerialNumber=" &
Input1.Dev_SerialNumber & "&"
qString = qString & "SJName=" & Input1.SJName & "&"
qString = qString & "Email=" & Input1.Email & "&"
qString = qString & "StreetAddress=" & Input1.BillStreet & "&"
qString = qString & "StreetAddress2=" & Input1.BillStreet2 &
qString = qString & "StreetAddress3=" & Input1.BillStreet3 &
qString = qString & "StreetAddress4=" & Input1.BillStreet4 &
qString = qString & "City=" & Input1.BillCity & "&"
qString = qString & "State=" & Input1.BillState & "&"
qString = qString & "Zip=" & Input1.BillZip & "&"
qString = qString & "Country=" & Input1.BillCountry & "&"
qString = qString & "Phone=" & Input1.BillPhone & "&"
qString = qString & "Fax=" & Input1.BillFax & "&"
qString = qString & "ShipToStreetAddress=" & Input1.ShipStreet
& "&"
qString = qString & "ShipToStreetAddress2=" &
Input1.ShipStreet2 & "&"
qString = qString & "ShipToStreetAddress3=" &
Input1.ShipStreet3 & "&"
qString = qString & "ShipToStreetAddress4=" &
Input1.ShipStreet4 & "&"
qString = qString & "ShipToCity=" & Input1.ShipCity & "&"
qString = qString & "ShipToState=" & Input1.ShipState & "&"
qString = qString & "ShipToZip=" & Input1.ShipZip & "&"
qString = qString & "ShipToCountry=" & Input1.ShipCountry &
qString = qString & "ShipToPhone=" & Input1.ShipPhone & "&"
qString = qString & "ShipToFax=" & Input1.ShipFax & "&"
qString = qString & "OrderNumber=" & Input1.OrderNumber & "&"
qString = qString & "AccountNumber=" & Input1.AccountNumber &
qString = qString & "Month=" & Input1.MonthExpr & "&"
qString = qString & "Year=" & Input1.YearExpr & "&"
qString = qString & "CVV2=" & Input1.CVV2 & "&"
qString = qString & "TransactionAmount=" &
Input1.TransactionAmount & "&"
qString = qString & "CustomerTax=" & Input1.SalesTax & "&"
qString = qString & "CustomerCode=" & Input1.CustomerCode &
qString = qString & "PurchaseOrderNumber=" & Input1.PONumber &
qString = qString & "ShippingAmount=" & Input1.ShippingAmount
& "&"
qString = qString & "SummaryCommodityCode=" &
Input1.SummaryCommodityCode & "&"
qString = qString & "orderstring_lvl3=" &
'rp.SJName = Input1.SJName
'rp.Email = Input1.Email
'Return Input1.BillStreet
'Return Input1.BillStreet2
'Return Input1.BillStreet3
'Return Input1.BillStreet4
'Return Input1.BillCity
'Return Input1.BillState
'Return Input1.BillZip
'Return Input1.BillCountry
'Return Input1.BillPhone
'Return Input1.BillFax
'Return Input1.ShipName
'Return Input1.ShipStreet
'Return Input1.ShipStreet2
'Return Input1.ShipStreet3
'Return Input1.ShipStreet4
'Return Input1.ShipCity
'Return Input1.ShipState
'Return Input1.ShipZip
'Return Input1.ShipCountry
'Return Input1.ShipPhone
'Return Input1.ShipFax
'Return Input1.AccountNumber
'Return Input1.MonthExpr
'Return Input1.YearExpr
'Return Input1.CVV2
'rp.TransactionAmount = Val(5 * Input1.TransactionAmount)
'Return Input1.TransactionAmount
'Return Input1.SalesTax
'Return Input1.CustomerCode
'Return Input1.PONumber
'Return Input1.ShippingAmount
'Return Input1.SummaryCommodityCode
'Return Input1.OrderString_lvl3
On Error Resume Next
On Error Resume Next
data = data & whr.responsetext
If Not IsNothing(whr) Then
whr = Nothing
End If
Return qString
'Return data
'rp.SJName = data
'Return rp
End Function
Private Sub MYExceptionHandler(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As
Dim EX As Exception
EX = e.ExceptionObject
End Sub
Private Sub MYThreadHandler(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As
End Sub
End Class
Public Class InformationToPass
Public SerialNumber As String = {private} 'Removed actual value
from pasted code
Public Dev_SerialNumber As String = {private} 'Removed actual
value from pasted code
Public SJName As String
Public Email As String
Public BillStreet As String
Public BillStreet2 As String
Public BillStreet3 As String
Public BillStreet4 As String
Public BillCity As String
Public BillState As String
Public BillZip As String
Public BillCountry As String
Public BillPhone As String
Public BillFax As String
Public ShipName As String
Public ShipStreet As String
Public ShipStreet2 As String
Public ShipStreet3 As String
Public ShipStreet4 As String
Public ShipCity As String
Public ShipState As String
Public ShipZip As String
Public ShipCountry As String
Public ShipPhone As String
Public ShipFax As String
Public OrderNumber As String
Public AccountNumber As String
Public MonthExpr As String
Public YearExpr As String
Public CVV2 As String
Public TransactionAmount As String
Public SalesTax As String
Public CustomerCode As String
Public PONumber As String
Public ShippingAmount As String
Public SummaryCommodityCode As String
Public OrderString_lvl3 As String
End Class
Public Class ReturnParams
Public SJName As String
Public Email As String
Public TransactionAmount As String
End Class
The "&" characters keep getting picked up as & (except in the
first parameter, which shows it as #x1A;
When the request gets passed to the service, it treats each field as
Why is this not working? It seems to run counter to every example
I've seen on the internet.