At the top of one of my form modules I have ....
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Private strItem As String
Am I correct in thinking that I can now use strItem in any procedure
within that specific form module? FOr instance if strItem is defined
as "TeeSee" in OpenForm then it would still be the same value on a
cmdClick event on the same form. Are there any tricks to doing so 'cos
I can't get it to work out.
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Private strItem As String
Am I correct in thinking that I can now use strItem in any procedure
within that specific form module? FOr instance if strItem is defined
as "TeeSee" in OpenForm then it would still be the same value on a
cmdClick event on the same form. Are there any tricks to doing so 'cos
I can't get it to work out.