Now this one will make you laugh!


Chatter Box
Oct 6, 2005
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Now I'm guessing that most of you have heard of (or perhaps even own) the new hybrid cars. Cool idea, great for the environment, about time really.

Our government has heard of them too, and it is not impressed. Like most places our current petrol prices are divided pretty evenly between actual petrol cost & govt tax, supposedly for the purpose of maintaining & building our roads etc... or at least Auckland's roads as our latest petrol tax increase last year was quite blatantly for (as you can imagine, those of us who don't live in Auckland were a bit miffed... but then that's the govt's way).

But the latest, now that's a real doozy!!!
Apparently, because these new hybrid cars use so much less petrol we are ROBBING the government of tax income!
Yes, you read that right, On national TV & radio our govt declared quite openly & using that word, that we would be stealing from them!! And therefore, despite the fact that the cars are so expensive very few people can actually afford them, the govt is hereby going to introduce a nice new "road toll" tax based on mileage traveled, to all motorists, to compensate for the difference.
In fact, according to this logic you are stealing from the government EVERY TIME that you walk to work instead of drive. Indeed, even public transport services are starting to look a bit dodgy.

Now, regardless of ones political leanings, most people would agree that our personal income is something that we 'personally' have earned, usually by hard work of one kind or another. The tax that we pay is a portion of OUR income 'contributed' (however forcibly) to the govt for the purpose of the running & maintenance of our country.
Apparently we were wrong!
That money belonged to the govt all along, & indeed, to pay less tax, however legally, actually constitutes theft!
Anyone here seen "The Godfather"?
Wow - I've never heard of such cr*p coming from a Government in all my life - and we've had many cr*p ones here over the years.

I just can't believe their attitude - they obviously want you all to drive the most gas guzzling polluting cars available:eek:

Bye-bye environment....:(
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Yeah... a few months ago they were much more environmentally friendly... but the election's over now. The funniest thing though, the labour govt only just squeezed in this time... they are going to depend on the green party (which is very well organised & hold a significant number of seats in parliment down here) to back them on controversial issues. Ooooops.
Nothing changes it's the same here in good old rip-off britain as well...

The government said sod it we don't think you lot are paying enough tax on petrol and diesel or enough road tax for your car, so we are going to hit you again and introduce a Congestion charge so you'l have to pay £8 a day to drive your car in london, were calling it a congestion charge because it will stop all unecesarry journeys around london by car, it didn't matter that everyone who drives in london needed to, oh no who the hell would want to drive in london if they didn't need to, just about everyone out there...:(

Red Ken knew that, but bought it in anyway, I think he had good intentions cause he takes public transport everywhere, but it didn't make any difference to the amount of traffic in london and of course the governments coffers are swelled by many milions every year since introduction, and as for the congestion well its still here and not going anywhere soon..

So what a pointless exercise that was, Well we've got to rob the british public somehow, what better way than to hit the motorist AGAIN.

Also the many toll roads being introduced are again another way to extort money from the general public, as our government is building toll motorways which run alongside existing motorways the like of which we have already paid for god knows how many times over, and then are expected to pay again if they want to travel on that particular stretch of road....

You think you got it bad girl....

Anyway thats my rant..:rolleyes:
Definition of a politician?

Well they are all related to a banana! They begin their career and are green; they advance onto the centre stage and become yellow; and not one of them is straight!:rolleyes:
LOL, yeah, that's about it, although I think thses ones are starting to reach the brown, squishy, rotten stage. Fancy actually SAYING the word ROB. I mean, we all know that they're robbing us like crazy, but to accuse us of doing the same thing to them!!! That's goota take some cake!!!
thats possibly the most twisted reasoning i have ever heard for an argument, about anything, ever.