Well after spend the better part of the day installing and testing the 8800GT's i have to say im impressed.
First i benchmarked my 'old' system, whos specs follow
Proc- AMD FX-57
Vid- Asus 7900GT
Ram- 2 Gigs DDR 400
HDD- 250Gb WD caviar
PSU- (new) Antec 850W
Sound- X-FI Fatality Pro
then a single 8800gt and finally both of them in SLI. With my 7900gt; Oblivion, Bioshock and UT3 played great... at 'medium' settings more or less. So i decided to max the games out to see what kinda of power differnce there is.
the 7900GT got and avreage of 15-20 fps in Oblvion, painful to play. In Bioshock 19-30 fps. And in UT3, 15-20 fps.
So i switched out cards (uninstalling the old drivers of course) and slapped in a 8800GT. Once up n' running played all the games again, this time there was a very noticeable differnce
The 8800GT averaged about 40-50 fps in Oblivion! only dipping into the 30s when it was loading a new area. Bioshock had similar increase with and average of 50 fps, and UT3 40-50 depending on whats going on. On a side note, UT3 looks fantastic at max detail!
I am still testing out the SLI part of things. Not sure if i got it right, but i havent had any problems. To make sure i could handle the additional power requirments, i bout me a new Antec Quattro 850W PSU
With this much differnce in power i deceided to run 3Dmark 05.
7900 GT - 7,860
8800GT - 14,053
2x 8800GT- 14,000
Impressive nontheless. But in SLI there isnt anydiffernce, im sure its a error on my part, but i dont know how to correct this 'problem'. Set everything up nvidia console, set the card up witha dautherboard and whatnot. Its hard to tell if im getting SLI calibur performance right now, considering the 8800GT is so powerful in the first place.
Also, been playing Crysis for about 2-3 hours now (good game by the way) and i know its a brutal engine, but can anyone with simiar specs tell me what kinda of perfomance your getting?