1. How can I delete duplicate contacts?
2.1 How can I import a .csv so that the File As saves the
contacts as FirstName LastName and not the default
LastName, FirstName (which is why I have MANY duplicates
2.2 I have chaged the Default "File As" order to First
Last (in Options, Contact Options) but that doesn't help.
3. Replace Duplicates with Imported Items doesnt work
either so now I have THREE contacts for everyone that I
was trying to update!!
1. How can I delete duplicate contacts?
2.1 How can I import a .csv so that the File As saves the
contacts as FirstName LastName and not the default
LastName, FirstName (which is why I have MANY duplicates
2.2 I have chaged the Default "File As" order to First
Last (in Options, Contact Options) but that doesn't help.
3. Replace Duplicates with Imported Items doesnt work
either so now I have THREE contacts for everyone that I
was trying to update!!