I have a tab delimited text file that is organized without column headers as
123456789 2006/10/16 09:37 PtSSN 123-45-6789
123456789 2006/10/16 09:37 PtAge 61
123456789 2006/10/16 09:37 PtDOB 01/01/1990
123456789 2006/10/16 09:37 PtSex M
123456789 2006/10/16 09:37 PtName SMITH, JOHN
987654321 2006/10/16 09:37 PtSSN 987-65-4321
987654321 2006/10/16 09:37 PtAge 53
987654321 2006/10/16 09:37 PtDOB 02/01/1990
987654321 2006/10/16 09:37 PtSex F
987654321 2006/10/16 09:37 PtName SMITH, JANE
(didn't paste in well - first tab appears to be missing)
....where the first column (ie. 123456789, 987654321) is a unique id from a
demographics table in the exporting application, second column is date the
data was entered, third column is the time entered, fourth column is the
field id for the data, and the fifth column is the value entered into the
How do I import this into an Access table?
P. S. I am used to using files that look like this:
123456789 2006/10/16 09:37 123-45-6789 61 01/01/1990 M SMITH,JOHN
987654321 2006/10/16 09:37 987-65-4321 53 02/01/1990 F SMITH,JANE
123456789 2006/10/16 09:37 PtSSN 123-45-6789
123456789 2006/10/16 09:37 PtAge 61
123456789 2006/10/16 09:37 PtDOB 01/01/1990
123456789 2006/10/16 09:37 PtSex M
123456789 2006/10/16 09:37 PtName SMITH, JOHN
987654321 2006/10/16 09:37 PtSSN 987-65-4321
987654321 2006/10/16 09:37 PtAge 53
987654321 2006/10/16 09:37 PtDOB 02/01/1990
987654321 2006/10/16 09:37 PtSex F
987654321 2006/10/16 09:37 PtName SMITH, JANE
(didn't paste in well - first tab appears to be missing)
....where the first column (ie. 123456789, 987654321) is a unique id from a
demographics table in the exporting application, second column is date the
data was entered, third column is the time entered, fourth column is the
field id for the data, and the fifth column is the value entered into the
How do I import this into an Access table?
P. S. I am used to using files that look like this:
123456789 2006/10/16 09:37 123-45-6789 61 01/01/1990 M SMITH,JOHN
987654321 2006/10/16 09:37 987-65-4321 53 02/01/1990 F SMITH,JANE