Windows XP Novice needs HELP! XP Int Expl trouble PLEASE!

Aug 8, 2005
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Hi there. My son downloads a lot of crap, and now Internet Explorer will open, but no web sites will. I THOUGHT a system restore would fix it, but he says he can't go back far enough to do so. Now he's stuck using aol, which isn't all that great for his gaming and the like. ANY help would be GREATLY appreciated.
You have probably already done this - but if not

Check to see if Internet Explorere is set-up to "Work Offline". File > Work Offline. If it is ticked then select and click to untick.
If your son downloads loads of crap, then you may also have a load of spyware or viruses on there - do a complete virus scan and also spy/adware scans as well.

Go and look at our anti-spyware resource site, and use some of the free utilities recommended there - and whilst your there, how about registering? ;)
