Novice in need to some help... Windows XP Recovery (D:)

Nov 16, 2012
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I am a user, not a tech whiz and I am hoping someone might be willing to help. Please? It appears that my computer was set up to run the C: drive back up to the D: drive (????) on a weekly basis. I think this is flawed!

Now I'm getting messages once a week that the backup has failed because there is no longer enough space on the D: drive.

Can anyone give me any advice??

Thank you!
no longer enough space on the D: drive

buy a new hard drive. If you are not technical enough to install one, you can buy an external drive that connects via USB or Network. If you are not technical enough for that, take it to a store.

Perhaps I didn't ask my question correctly... I do know enough to know that I can put in a new hard drive (and I can even install that myself), or us an external drive. I can also set my computer to back up to an off-sight server location... But, thank you.

What I was asking was whether the fact that the computer was set up to backup to my Recovery D: drive was flawed. I don't believe that that is what the drive was meant for... I don't believe that it should have ever been set up as the back up location, but I'm not certain. Are you able to answer that question for me?
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If you go into "My Computer" from the start menu and click on D drive it will show how full your drive is.Don't forget some room is required to allow for movement of files on the disc. This is from memory as I haven't used XP for six years.Hope this helps.:D
System Restore, the only "backup" program that runs by default in Windows XP is defaulted to the C drive. If the backup feature is enabled and is storing files on a separate drive, then that would be something that someone would configure after installation.

Maybe this will help: