John Bailo
This week, the week of Linux Expo
It's all about the desktop and it's all about Novell.
Can there be any doubt that Parmisano is gonna sandpaper Bill Gate ass
with Suse?
With IBM hiring more than 15,000 to add to it's massive legions, anybody
can do the math. Novell desktops will virally swarm from Armonk to
Seattle and beyond in 2004.
Will people even /remember/ the name Microsoft in 3 or 4 years?
My guess is the *trivial pursuit* people already have a card made up for it.
It's all about the desktop and it's all about Novell.
Can there be any doubt that Parmisano is gonna sandpaper Bill Gate ass
with Suse?
With IBM hiring more than 15,000 to add to it's massive legions, anybody
can do the math. Novell desktops will virally swarm from Armonk to
Seattle and beyond in 2004.
Will people even /remember/ the name Microsoft in 3 or 4 years?
My guess is the *trivial pursuit* people already have a card made up for it.