I have an application that has many windows. One window is used for
order processing. I would like this window to display the other users
who are also performing order processing (the idea is to prevent a user
from opening an order that is being worked on by another user.
I have considered using the database:
* my query can return a user id or other identifier along with the
order record so that when I populate my list view control, I can
display the user who is working on that record.
* if the user trys to open one of these records I can tell them
'someone else has this right now'.
* I want to avoid hitting the database to update this list using a
timer control and multithreading (the reason I would do that is to
periodically update each users list view with the most current users
using whatever order).
the bad part of this idea is that when the window initially loads and
populates the list, it only knows about the other users at that time.
the user would click on something that looks 'open' to them only to
find out it's not really open to them.
I'm looking for a way to make my order list more dynamic- meaning, if
user A has the order list widow open, and so does user B, I want the
window user B is using to be aware of user A's change (open a new order
for processing).
Am I on the right track? Is the list view not the right component? I
know gridview and datagrid can be sensitive to database changes, but I
cannot see how I can avoid the use of a timer in any of the above (or
will the grid component's automatically sense changes to the database
outside of themselves?).
I'm considering using some type of network communication to get these
messages across. Is this a good idea, or bad?
thanks for any thoughts- I am really stuck here. I'm concered that I
am missing something easy and obvious...
order processing. I would like this window to display the other users
who are also performing order processing (the idea is to prevent a user
from opening an order that is being worked on by another user.
I have considered using the database:
* my query can return a user id or other identifier along with the
order record so that when I populate my list view control, I can
display the user who is working on that record.
* if the user trys to open one of these records I can tell them
'someone else has this right now'.
* I want to avoid hitting the database to update this list using a
timer control and multithreading (the reason I would do that is to
periodically update each users list view with the most current users
using whatever order).
the bad part of this idea is that when the window initially loads and
populates the list, it only knows about the other users at that time.
the user would click on something that looks 'open' to them only to
find out it's not really open to them.
I'm looking for a way to make my order list more dynamic- meaning, if
user A has the order list widow open, and so does user B, I want the
window user B is using to be aware of user A's change (open a new order
for processing).
Am I on the right track? Is the list view not the right component? I
know gridview and datagrid can be sensitive to database changes, but I
cannot see how I can avoid the use of a timer in any of the above (or
will the grid component's automatically sense changes to the database
outside of themselves?).
I'm considering using some type of network communication to get these
messages across. Is this a good idea, or bad?
thanks for any thoughts- I am really stuck here. I'm concered that I
am missing something easy and obvious...