That doesn't change the fact about the continuous loop that occurs because
of spam and false addresses. Very dangerous.
| Your point is valid, however the original poster mentioned "out of the
| office or away on holidays" which assuming his office is not in his home
| is more than just him is not really much of a security risk. Lots of
| companies want their employees to have such messages to prevent something
| from falling through the cracks because the recipient is away. If the
| person has an assistant then they could monitor the email but sometimes
| is not practical because of other privacy concerns. The point made by
| another poster regarding spam validating email addresses and ping-ponging
| is very valid, but if the company is large enough or technically aware
| would have anti-spam filters. Since he is using OE rather than Outlook, I
| would guess the operation is small.
| billh
| | > It's not the length of time to set it up, or lack of it. It's the
| > and privacey aspect. You wouldn't post a note through all your
| > neigbourboods letterboxes letting them know you are away, even if you
| > know them all, would you? Why do the same by email? Much better to
| > your trusted friends by phone and inform them of the fact.
| > --
| > Kath Adams
| > MS MVP - Windows (IE/OE)
| >
| > (e-mail address removed)-REMOVE wrote:
| >> I agree as it took at least 30 seconds to click through the new rule
| >> options to set it up.
| >>
| >> | >>> Big Thank You to everyone that's replied and tried to help. By the
| >>> looks of
| >>> things it appears it's not worth it, so i shall imform my boss and
| >>> tell it the implications. Thank you once again.
| >>>
| >>>
| >>> "(e-mail address removed)-REMOVE" wrote:
| >>>
| >>>> To create a rule for e-mail messages to automatically with a return
| >>>> TEXT message. Test by sending an email to: (e-mail address removed)
| >>>>
| >>>> 1.. On the Tools menu, point to Message Rules, and then click
| >>>> Mail. Message rules cannot be created for IMAP or HTTP e-mail
| >>>> accounts. 2.. If this is the first rule you are creating, proceed to
| >>>> step 3.
| >>>> Otherwise, on the Mail Rules tab, click New and proceed to step 4.
| >>>> 3.. Select the conditions for your rule by selecting the desired
| >>>> check boxes in the Conditions section. (You must select at least one
| >>>> condition.)
| >>>> You can specify multiple conditions for a single rule by
| >>>> selecting more than one check box. Click the and hyperlink in the
| >>>> Rule Description section
| >>>> to specify whether all of the rule conditions must be met before the
| >>>> specified action occurs (and), or whether at least one must be met
| >>>> (or). 4.. Specify the actions for your rule by selecting the desired
| >>>> check boxes
| >>>> in the Actions section. (You must select at least one condition.)
| >>>> 5.. Click the underlined hyperlinks in the Rule Description
| >>>> section to specify the conditions or actions for your rule.
| >>>> You can click contains people or contains specific words in the
| >>>> Rule Description section to specify the people or words you'd like
| >>>> Outlook Express to look for in messages. If you enter multiple
| >>>> people or multiple words per condition, use the Options button in
| >>>> the Select People or Type Specific Words dialog boxes to further
| >>>> customize the condition. 6.. In the Name of the rule text box, select
| >>>> the default name or
| >>>> type a new name for your rule, and then click OK.
| >>>> Notes
| >>>>
| >>>> a.. You can create a new rule by selecting an existing one on the
| >>>> Message
| >>>> Rules tab and clicking Copy. This is helpful when the new rule you
| >>>> want to
| >>>> create is similar to an existing one.
| >>>> b.. You can create a rule from a message by selecting an e-mail
| >>>> message in
| >>>> the main window and then on the Message menu clicking Create Rule
| >>>> from Message. This helps by automatically filling in the name of
| >>>> the person on the From line; no other information from the message,
| >>>> however, is entered into the rule.
| >>>> The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man
| >>>> as his
| >>>> absolute property - either as a child, a wife, or a concubine - must
| >>>> delay
| >>>> the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased
| >>>> to be a
| >>>> great power among men.
| >>>>
| >>>> Winston Churchill - London, England
| >>>>
| >>>>
| >>>> | >>>>> How do i set up my email account to notify incoming emails that i'm
| >>>>> away
| >>>>> on
| >>>>> holiday or out of the office until such time? I've looked through
| >>>>> the options
| >>>>> but just can't find the set up information.
| >>>>>
| >>>>> Thanks
| >>>>> Nick
| >
| >
| >