Nothing works properly anymore...........

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jackdaw
  • Start date Start date


Just as I was heralding Internet Explorer as being a
better browser than the competition - the whole thing
falls to pieces............ As a web designer I have
always had a preference for Mozilla driven browsers ....
up until recently!!! Whats changed??? Well for one thing
its a Microsoft product so why expect it to work
properly???? None of them do!!! This baby is a
nightmare......... very slow. if dowmloading an image
it's only allowing me to do so as untitled and as a .bmp
file type The Ctrl + Enter address bar shortcut no longer
works and guess what?. there's no documentation on this
and better yet - NO SUPPORT!!! Hat's off to microsoft!!! -
not exactly brain scientists when it comes to customer
relations, eh?
... and yer that damned annoying pop-up that's ever
present - I have actually got a pop up killer but that
stops all pop-ups and sometimes you want the friendly
For now I'd welcome any suggestion that could resolve the
address bar shortcut issue and the file type download
I noticed you had this problem as indicated in your
message: "...if dowmloading an image
it's only allowing me to do so as untitled and as
a .bmp ..."

This has happened to me to; just today, in fact! You
probably need to empty your so by deleting
your cookies and deleting your temporary Internet files.
Go to the top of your browser, click on "Tools", then at
the bottom of the drop-down menu, click on "Internet
Options". On that page, you will see buttons to delete
cookies, and temp Internet files (offline, too). If you
haven't done that before, or haven't done it recently and
have had a lot of web activity, it might take awhile. Be
patient! After I did that, I was once again to save pics
as jpegs (labelled), etc. Otherwise, I'd have to go into
a photo program and RE-save the file as a jpeg, and that
was a major pain to do.

If emptying your cache does not work, go once again to
the "Tools" menu, the "Internet Options" menu, and
the "Advanced" tab all the way to the right. Scroll all
the way down to the "Security" section, and make sure the
box that says "Do not save encrypted pages to disc" is
UNchecked (it probably will be, but just in case, check it
anyways). If it is not unchecked, then uncheck it,
hit "Apply", and then "Okay". If it IS unchecked, just
click on "cancel" to close out your box and make no

Hope that helps!
Thanks for the reply... My cache is cleaner than the
driven Snow!!!!

Cache cleaned both manually and with tracks
eraser.......... which I bought for this very
reason...... I have heard people say that you temp files
in the cache dont take up space or slow down the PC -
nonsense!!!! IE 5.5 was the greatest crawler on record
and had big problems showind Java Applets.....

I keep a clean cache all the time sothis is not the
problem...... but thanks for the suggestion!!!