I have a manager working with a large presentation. Her notes won't stay
within the text box provided for in the notes view. As she types, it just
goes in one straight line. If she types the notes in the slide view, it
looks like it is staying within the contained area, but when she prints or
goes to view Notes page, it is in one straight line, and goes off the page to
be unreadable, and unprintaable. What is set up different in her version?
within the text box provided for in the notes view. As she types, it just
goes in one straight line. If she types the notes in the slide view, it
looks like it is staying within the contained area, but when she prints or
goes to view Notes page, it is in one straight line, and goes off the page to
be unreadable, and unprintaable. What is set up different in her version?