Surprisingly to me, it is not easy to meet this basic request. I looked
through my (many) installed editors for what would meet your criteria.
- tabbed interface
- wordrap (have assumed you need this)
- auto-save-all
- smaller than Notetab
I was only able to come up with two results. The first: Jen's File Editor.
After closer analysis, I am now thinking the second candidate I had in mind,
GoldenPen, it will not do.
In looking for what might be lighter than NoteTab, I'd narrowed my search
down to editors with a smaller exe size. This second one that got tagged
for possible qualification, it was a trick. Its executable is distributed
compressed (as per typical). The distributed size is 588k, but the actual
(UPX -d) size is 1,800k.
As to memory load. Again, I did not test properly. Casual number: a 15mb
drop. Where I got discouraged was in the resources drop. True that my
active environment at the moment, particular the open browser windows,
fuzz up the makings of solid report, but I can still say the resource
use is high. The range that is hitting me: a 12-18% drop. For those of
us on w98, we'd have to be en guarde with this editor.
GoldenPen summary. It meets the one part of your criteria, the feature
to auto-save open documents. Yet I now suspect it has not a smaller, but
a larger footprint, over NoteTab.
Since I've already gathered together its basic info, I'll proceed with it.
Perhaps someone who has lots of RAM and resources wants to try it. I can
say that the main aspect where it looked interesting in my view, that's
in its various block features. Not just cutting columns and so forth, but
several other, more unusual tricks (I'll leave it for the curious to poke
around for further investigation in that area).
Golden Pen Editor
http://www.geocities.com/midweststudio/GoldenPen.zip (593k)
http://omega5.port5.com/clips/eds/gpen/gpen.htm (three screenshots)
On the author's site, you might spot out that there is another download
available, for one called GoldenPen Light. I definitely do not think it
is worth bothering with. It is SDI (no tabs), lacks a context menu, and
as to features, there basically aren't any.
Also want to mention there is a previous version around, v1.4, which has
dual-pane browser preview. Where the top pane is the html source, and the
lower pane for browser view. Using MSHTML. He removed this in v1.5. Other
differences between the two versions, I've not really studied, but they
are listed on the site. If anyone were to have interest in GPen v 1.4,
it is available elsewhere on the web. I think that both the zip links
below are for that version.