Recently, every so often during reboot after login while the desktop is
loading, Notepad appears and has opened command.com.
Just now, I have been trying to implement the fix for an Active X problem
described on the MS website (MicrosoftFixit50287.msi) and when I try to
install it instead of the "Wizard" coming up as outlined in the article, the
only thing that happens is Notepad opens up and displays the file contents.
What the heck is going on? Have I been "attacked" and none of my security
software can identify the threat? Thanx for any help or ideas.
loading, Notepad appears and has opened command.com.
Just now, I have been trying to implement the fix for an Active X problem
described on the MS website (MicrosoftFixit50287.msi) and when I try to
install it instead of the "Wizard" coming up as outlined in the article, the
only thing that happens is Notepad opens up and displays the file contents.
What the heck is going on? Have I been "attacked" and none of my security
software can identify the threat? Thanx for any help or ideas.