Not the WCG Stats Sunday


Crunchy Cat
Jun 1, 2006
Reaction score
Morning buddies-in-crunch :wave:

Good thing there are no brass primates in the area, because the air feels decidedly frosty! :p Nice and sunny though.

By the way - if anyone is wanting to check their progress, I found a linky - not like our usual daily stats, but justifies making this thread so that the crunch-mods won't shout at me for wasting thread-space!! ;) :lol:
'morning...decidely chilli in London today. Still in bed though after the night I had last night. People and fireworks, my poor dogs are nervous wrecks.

Nice linky though. Although I don't seem to have genorated any point for a while now..
Fireworks Madx? What were they celebrating? Or just a private party somewhere? It usually gets pretty noisy around here during the lead-up to Nov 5th and then sporadically, until the New Year. Poor dogs, it's really not fair on animals - our cats get a bit spooked too, and will dive for cover beneath a piece of furniture. :nod:
nice link

mr frostie ain't here today, but it is cool ... :D

Taffycat said:
Fireworks Madx? What were they celebrating?

It was the Asian holiday Diwali yesterday. They had a proper fireworks show, but I think it was just the odd few people that carried on setting them off until small hours this morning. Yep dogs are the same, one has managed to get behind the bath lol..Think she might need a valium today....