Not the WCG Stats Monday


Crunchy Cat
Jun 1, 2006
Reaction score
Good morning... well it's still a rather a dark one actually, and very cold too ;)

Today I'm scheduled to start an internet trial. Still with the same ISP, still keeping the same e-mail addy. But the re-seller is trying out a different wholesaler, and "muggins" here, decided to give it a go :rolleyes:

Well you'll let us know no doubt how it all goes ... :)

Yup :nod: Fortunately, it's still only a one- month contract, so not tied-in for too long if things don't work out. It's with 0-Bit. Some have been on the trial for a few weeks, but have no idea how they're faring, because trialists have all been "sworn to secrecy" until all the tweaks and glitches have been ironed-out. So hang on... I will just put on this disguise, so that no one will recognise me!! :cool: Owzat!! Bet you can't tell who I am now! :lol:
feckit said:
Lord Lucan by any chance?:rolleyes:

Pssssst!.... Listen very carefully... I shall say ziss only once...:p (you will just have to imagine the trench coat and strong French accent!! Lol)
Taffycat said:

Pssssst!.... Listen very carefully... I shall say ziss only once...:p (you will just have to imagine the trench coat and strong French accent!! Lol)
Gordon Brown?:p
Sounds interesting TC, should be fun testing something new out (well, if it goes to plan anyway!).

I'm going to be working on the WCG Stats software tomorrow or Weds, as I don't have time to fix it today - but I'm hoping it's a simple tweak to get it back up and running. :)
Ian Cunningham said:
Sounds interesting TC, should be fun testing something new out (well, if it goes to plan anyway!).

I'm going to be working on the WCG Stats software tomorrow or Weds, as I don't have time to fix it today - but I'm hoping it's a simple tweak to get it back up and running. :)

Well it was certainly easy to get up and running - no "down" time at all, and only needed to change one setting in the router. It would probably have been a tad different if I'd been migrating away from my ISP altogether, of course.

If this doesn't work out, then I think I might take up the LLU option, but will see how this goes first. :thumb:

Yay, re the stats Ian :thumb: but we all appreciate that these things take time, so no worries - eh guys? :nod: :D