Currently using the following code to generate a serial# on a data entr
form. Once the cmdButton is clicked, the code basicall
generates/formats the sn# and puts it into the Serial# field. Righ
now I can only create one record at a time, I would like to be able t
add multiple records to the table based on a qty field I would add o
have the user input. I am not sure how to go about this, and any hel
would be great...here is the code I am currently using to generate th
sn# to the form:
Private Sub Command11_Click()
Dim MyDate, MyYear, MyWeek, MyDay, MyNumber As Integer
Dim Ret As String
Dim Test As Variant
MyDate = Date
MyYear = Format(Date, "yy")
MyWeek = Format(DatePart("ww", MyDate, vbUseSystemDayOfWeek
vbUseSystem), "00")
MyDay = Format(DatePart("w", MyDate, vbUseSystemDayOfWeek
vbUseSystem), "0")
Ret = "V" & MyYear & MyWeek & " " & MyDay
Test = DMax("[number]", "TABLE1", "number like '" & Ret & "*'")
If IsNull(Test) Then
Ret = Ret & " 001"
MyNumber = CInt(Right(Test, 3)) + 1
Select Case MyNumber
Case Is < 10
Ret = Ret & " 00" & CStr(MyNumber)
Case Is < 100
Ret = Ret & " 0" & CStr(MyNumber)
Case Else
Ret = Ret & " " & CStr(MyNumber)
End Select
End If
Forms!Form1!Serial = Ret
End Su
form. Once the cmdButton is clicked, the code basicall
generates/formats the sn# and puts it into the Serial# field. Righ
now I can only create one record at a time, I would like to be able t
add multiple records to the table based on a qty field I would add o
have the user input. I am not sure how to go about this, and any hel
would be great...here is the code I am currently using to generate th
sn# to the form:
Private Sub Command11_Click()
Dim MyDate, MyYear, MyWeek, MyDay, MyNumber As Integer
Dim Ret As String
Dim Test As Variant
MyDate = Date
MyYear = Format(Date, "yy")
MyWeek = Format(DatePart("ww", MyDate, vbUseSystemDayOfWeek
vbUseSystem), "00")
MyDay = Format(DatePart("w", MyDate, vbUseSystemDayOfWeek
vbUseSystem), "0")
Ret = "V" & MyYear & MyWeek & " " & MyDay
Test = DMax("[number]", "TABLE1", "number like '" & Ret & "*'")
If IsNull(Test) Then
Ret = Ret & " 001"
MyNumber = CInt(Right(Test, 3)) + 1
Select Case MyNumber
Case Is < 10
Ret = Ret & " 00" & CStr(MyNumber)
Case Is < 100
Ret = Ret & " 0" & CStr(MyNumber)
Case Else
Ret = Ret & " " & CStr(MyNumber)
End Select
End If
Forms!Form1!Serial = Ret
End Su