Not-so-clever Vista

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In what appears to be an attempt to be helpful, Windows Explorer in Vista RC2
rearranges the view of a folder containing image files to contain columns
that appear to be intended for managing photos, such as a star rating. It
does this automatically, by itself, without my asking it to, and it then
remembers this setting for the folder so there is no easy way to change it
back. It is EXTREMELY annoying, especially when the folder is, e.g. the
temporary files folder that you are trying to clear out, or a folder of
program development resources that happens to contain some bitmaps.

How can I
- disable this behaviour entirely?
- quickly restore the columns for an affected folder to the standard details
Techpro.. power users will do the following:

1) Use vista as the platform, but use classic theme.
2) Install a 3rd party media player, like gomplayer and winamp for example
3) install third party browsers like avantbrowser and firefox
4) install a third party file Manager. You can find some here:

in other words they will try to NOT use what vista has to offer as much as

Most will stick to XP, if their work permits it.
Hi techpro,

Right-click on the folder who's template you want to change, and choose
Properties. Go to the Customize tab, and, under "What kind of folder do you
want?", choose "All Items" in the drop-down menu (Apply>OK). This should
reset the folder's default columns for that template. As to disabling this
behaviour entirely, I don't think you can keep Windows from guessing what
folder template a folder should have, based on its contents. It's driven me
crazy, too.

Hope this helps,
Wow, you did an excellent job of NOT answering his question! On a related
topic, "progrssive realization" likes to wear ladies underwear.
I answered baboon brain!

I number 4 is to use a third party file manager!
Thanks. I'll try that when I next boot into Vista.

A bummer that you can't keep it from guessing, though. After the talking
paperclip fiasco in Office, you'd think Microsoft would have learned better.
At least you could turn that off...
techpro said:
Thanks. I'll try that when I next boot into Vista.

A bummer that you can't keep it from guessing, though. After the
paperclip fiasco in Office, you'd think Microsoft would have learned
At least you could turn that off...

Maybe I don't understand the question, but you definitely CAN have
Vista remember the settings for various folders, just like in XP. The
route to get to those settings is slightly different, but the results
are the same.

Click the Organize button, Folder and Search Options, View tab, scroll
down in the Advanced settings box and make sure the "Remember each
folder's view settings" is checked. Click OK to save your settings
back out.

Then simply select the View you want for that folder and Vista will
remember it.

I have all my folders set to List view so Nero and Vista get along
without crashing. Plus it's a lot easier to find a file when you have
dozens in the folder without having the scroll again and again.