In what appears to be an attempt to be helpful, Windows Explorer in Vista RC2
rearranges the view of a folder containing image files to contain columns
that appear to be intended for managing photos, such as a star rating. It
does this automatically, by itself, without my asking it to, and it then
remembers this setting for the folder so there is no easy way to change it
back. It is EXTREMELY annoying, especially when the folder is, e.g. the
temporary files folder that you are trying to clear out, or a folder of
program development resources that happens to contain some bitmaps.
How can I
- disable this behaviour entirely?
- quickly restore the columns for an affected folder to the standard details
rearranges the view of a folder containing image files to contain columns
that appear to be intended for managing photos, such as a star rating. It
does this automatically, by itself, without my asking it to, and it then
remembers this setting for the folder so there is no easy way to change it
back. It is EXTREMELY annoying, especially when the folder is, e.g. the
temporary files folder that you are trying to clear out, or a folder of
program development resources that happens to contain some bitmaps.
How can I
- disable this behaviour entirely?
- quickly restore the columns for an affected folder to the standard details