Not showing up in Network neighborhood

Jul 11, 2005
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Hi folks,

Sorry for just barging in and not introducing myself propally but i'm about to explode in some XP fuelled fury.
I've just spent the last few nights trying to configure a wireless network and have just about lost the plot.
I have got to the point where the laptop and pc are quite happily pinging eachother and i've enabled file/printer sharing, shared files, configured firewalls and enabled internet sharing but can i get them to show up in network neighborhood? no.

I have assigned ip addresses in the correct ranges, i have subnet masks set up and enabled adhoc, windows manages my setting and i have set wep keys, both are in the same work group same channels.......and now my heads cooked. :mad: :mad:

I'm seriously considering turning some slipknot up really loud and throwing the things out the window.

Please can someone save my PCs and tell me i've missed something blindingly obvious please. :rolleyes: and let me know how to get the things so that i can file and share my ADSL connection.....pleeeeeasee i'll love you forever....not in the religous sense of it though.

Welcome Dean :)

Did you run the Windows Home Networking Wizard to set this up, or did you do it manually? The wizard should enable everything do do with sharing/permissions and should work with your Ad-hoc wireless network. This will also enable Internet Connection Sharing on your connection in the correct way (allowing correct ports like 80,21 etc...).
Thanks for the welcome

I did run the home networking wizard to start with and then went to manual, and then back again...and then manual and then installed a network manager package...then uninstalled it because it screwed everything up and then got to where i am on manual again, its been extremally frustrating, and it continues.
Have you tried the connection without encryption and with a manual setup first ?

It sounds like windows is trying to set the network up at the same time as the network management software is trying to do the same.

Try disabling all networking by windows and your network management software.

Then power downt the PC altogether, ensuring your network environment is truly initialised.

Power back on and make sure windows is set to leave the settings the hell alone, if not, disable it and power down again. Then back up :)

Then try the network manager software.

I hate networking, it;s a complete a$$

Good luck, let me know how you get on!
muckshifter said:
Bet you your using XP Home ...

MS in their wisdom decided not to "make it easy" for Home users to network two systems, by not giving you the tools in XP Pro. :rolleyes:

Whch is all the more annoying as the Home Edition contains "easy to set up home networking" blurb in it's rolling demo during install !!!

Well done Mr Gates!!!
christopherpostill said:
ive never had a problem networking with home!
A lot of people don't Chris ... but when "it" goes wrong, bet you they have XP Home.

The "Wizard" is suposed to help and in 95% of cases it works ... XP Pro does not have to 'think' it has everything pre-set for networking (it is MS's alternative to Win 2000 & NT) XP Home, in MS's eyes is the 'upgrade to 98/ME ... that is, Home users.

MS will always have two versions ... but where as before, Home users wouldn't entertain NT/Win200 for games now XP Pro has game playability built in ... no need for XP Home. But don't go telling MS's customers that, will you. ;)

Oh, and if you 'need' to sell one version over another ... then sell it cheaper and call it XP Home. :D

I have never supplied XP Home with any of my systems ... if 'customers' argued, I didn't sell them anything.
Oh dear...looks like i'm in trouble, i'm running XP Pro, i'll try the link and the other suggestions when i get home and i'll report back.
I've not looked at the issue since i posted as i'm still boiling over, its just the strangest thing, i can connect the PCs, i can ping between them, they recognise eachother on the network, ask for passwords and say that they are connected, everything is working apart from me uctually being able to use the network.
smugfop said:
Oh dear...looks like i'm in trouble, i'm running XP Pro, i'll try the link and the other suggestions when i get home and i'll report back.
I've not looked at the issue since i posted as i'm still boiling over, its just the strangest thing, i can connect the PCs, i can ping between them, they recognise eachother on the network, ask for passwords and say that they are connected, everything is working apart from me uctually being able to use the network.

I hate it when people say to me, "it's something and nothing" as it never helps, but i think this is the case.

So near yet so far eh ? Ah the wonderfull world of windows.