I'm afraid I've not figured out which circumstances seem to cause Internet
Explorer to hang. It seems to be fairly random.
I'm running IE 6.0.2800.1106 on Windows ME.
My Internet Explorer will hang. It'll just be one window at first, but it'll
spread. I'll be able to click on another window from my Taskbar and carry on
as normal but clicking on the "dead" window's icon in the taskbar has no
effect and I can't return to it. After just a minute or so I'll be able to
see the dread [not responding] appear in the Close Program (CTR+ALT+DEL)
dialog. At that point, I'm doomed. If I try and close the dead window there
then nothing happens and the "freeze" spreads. If I don't, then nothing
happens and the "freeze" still spreads. Eventually I'll blue screen and be
warned of an exception EO (or is it OE) error.
I've been to Add/Remove Programs and rolled back IE and that didn't fix it.
I believe I've all the recent patches and no virii.
If this was Word behaving like this then I'd be off to delete normal.dot -
don't know if that comment helps.
I'm afraid I've not figured out which circumstances seem to cause Internet
Explorer to hang. It seems to be fairly random.
I'm running IE 6.0.2800.1106 on Windows ME.
My Internet Explorer will hang. It'll just be one window at first, but it'll
spread. I'll be able to click on another window from my Taskbar and carry on
as normal but clicking on the "dead" window's icon in the taskbar has no
effect and I can't return to it. After just a minute or so I'll be able to
see the dread [not responding] appear in the Close Program (CTR+ALT+DEL)
dialog. At that point, I'm doomed. If I try and close the dead window there
then nothing happens and the "freeze" spreads. If I don't, then nothing
happens and the "freeze" still spreads. Eventually I'll blue screen and be
warned of an exception EO (or is it OE) error.
I've been to Add/Remove Programs and rolled back IE and that didn't fix it.
I believe I've all the recent patches and no virii.
If this was Word behaving like this then I'd be off to delete normal.dot -
don't know if that comment helps.