Using IE7 & XP. For reasons unknown to me I have been getting frequent
hanging of web pages when working in IE7. This has only been in recent
weeks. This seems to happen when click on a website link. I do not work
with more than 2-4 windows open at one time. So, when one window hangs
(hourglass appears and stays on), I use contol/alt/delete to open Windows
Task Manager and "end" the non-responding application(s). Then all windows
close down. Is there something(s) that I can do to fix this problem? All
help is appreciated. Thank you in advance. Fran
hanging of web pages when working in IE7. This has only been in recent
weeks. This seems to happen when click on a website link. I do not work
with more than 2-4 windows open at one time. So, when one window hangs
(hourglass appears and stays on), I use contol/alt/delete to open Windows
Task Manager and "end" the non-responding application(s). Then all windows
close down. Is there something(s) that I can do to fix this problem? All
help is appreciated. Thank you in advance. Fran