- Trying to do an install of Veritas Backup Exec Agent
sofware halted with message 'not enough space on disk' in
the log.
Has 56.2 Gb of space free.
Has a reg size of 13 with 115 max
Ran check disk with reboot
Page file size is at recommended 3070 with 4095 max
I tried different solutions from Veritas but I'm starting
to believe it is the OS itself that is preventing me to
install something via the command promt. i'm running a cmd
file that has within it '@start /wait setup /rant32: -s'.
Any leads for me?
- Trying to do an install of Veritas Backup Exec Agent
sofware halted with message 'not enough space on disk' in
the log.
Has 56.2 Gb of space free.
Has a reg size of 13 with 115 max
Ran check disk with reboot
Page file size is at recommended 3070 with 4095 max
I tried different solutions from Veritas but I'm starting
to believe it is the OS itself that is preventing me to
install something via the command promt. i'm running a cmd
file that has within it '@start /wait setup /rant32: -s'.
Any leads for me?