Not enough space for ATI

  • Thread starter Thread starter William B. Lurie
  • Start date Start date

William B. Lurie

Some time ago, I got a balloon message, "Not enough
space for ATI" I rearranged things and deleted some
old backup drive images, and now I have a partition that is
42 GB in size.....of which 16 GB shows as "used", and
26 GB as "Unused space". When I do a defrag, it shows 61%
free space. I have no "Restore Points"....I don't use them.
That was a week ago, and ATI was running fine.

Now with no changes (that I'm aware of), with the partition
still as described above, I get the "not enough room for ATI"
balloon again. The defrag report doesn't show anything at all
in the Gigabyte frag 5%, file fragmentation 11%,
pagefile size 679 MB.

May I have some advice as to why I get that ATI message, and
how to avoid it? Thank you.
Forgot to mention......Yes, I did Disk Cleanup.....
Empty Norton Protected....Empty Recycle Bin......
the works........Norton AV complete scan.......

What exactly are you trying to do when you get the message?


Hope this helps.

Stourport, England
Enquire, plan and execute
Simply this, Gerry:
When my use of the PC is at an end for this session,
I expect the software to perform as follows:

Switch to Screen Saver after a preset interval.
Next, go into Standby mode after the preset Power
Options interval.
Finally, go into Hibernate mode after the preset
Power Options interval.

It should perform these with no intervention.
Instead, I return to the computer and find it
exactly as I left it, with that message
balloon arising from the lower toolbar.

Let me add that, as of last night, function is now
normal (sadly). That makes it more difficult to
fix, since it is now not broken. In due course,
it will return...........
Gerry said:

The disk space requirements are indicated in this link:

I would opt out of hibernation.
Thank you for the link, Gerry. It is very informative, and
clearly my system more than meets all the requirements
and should hibernate. It does, indeed, but unpredictably,
as is so often the case with 'features' not really under
operator control. I shall back off to just 'Standby' for
a bit to see if it goes that far reliably.