Not enough memory

  • Thread starter Thread starter Earl Lewis
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Earl Lewis

I gave my boss an Access application to try out. I created it with A2K and
he's running Access XP/2002 on WinXP on a Dell 1.2 Ghz/512MB desktop.
Whenever he tries to run reports he's getting an error that says "Not enough
memory to update display. Close unneeded applications and try again."

As you all have probably guessed there are no other applications running. We
made sure to shut everything down and try it again, to no avail. Task
manager reports Access is using about 1% of total available memory and total
memory usage is only about10% of total available, including the pagefile.

We've messed around with reinstalling printers, updating printer drivers,
setting up a generic/text only printer, etc... We've also changed the XP
memory management stuff to let windows optimize memory for best video
performance as well as letting it manage the pagefile. None of these
attempts to rectify the problem have worked. As far as we know no other MSO
applications behave this way on this machine.

I've done several searches on msdn/knowledgebase and not found anything
specific to Access XP/2002 and this particular error message.

Anyone got any ideas on this one? Help!!! Please!! Before our support people
rebuild this machine from the ground up and put my boss out of work for a

How much free space is there on the drive where Temp (and/or Tmp) points?
Reports usually require the generation of temporary files, and you'll run
into the memory error if there's not enough hard drive space for the
temporary files.
Good thought Doug. I'll check that out and see what the story is, although
with todays disk sizes I doubt the machine is short on storage space.

Thanks for the reply.

For anyone that's interested we've got a workaround to this problem, which
is far from ideal - and still doesn't answer why the problem occurs on the
first place.

Our support folks installed (actually upgraded) MSO 2003 and now the
reporting works fine. Obviously, this is not gonna be an option of everyone
but it worked in this case.

Come on M$, I know you're lurking out there. Where do you stand on this one?
There have been other postings here on the very same problem that have gone
unanswered. At the very least you ought to publish a KB article on the
problem so people can find something on it. Ideally, you could change the
error from a hard stop to something that gives the user an option to try to

Earl Lewis

Thanks for the tip but there are no images in these reports. They have some
dividing lines (graphics of some sort, I assume) but no images.

Also, I wasn't able to find any KB articles nor microsoft.public.access.*
newsgroup postings that gave any clear answers. Could you point me to
something specific, like a KB ref. number? Or a posting that had a certain
answer? I'm very interested in others solutions to this problem.

BTW, if I didn't make it clear in my earlier post I feel pretty strongly
that reinstalling the whole MSO suite or upgrading to a new version are not
very good answers to this problem. On the other hand, if something has
gotten corrupted and a reinstall is the best or only way to fix it then
fine, M$ should just say so, in a KB article, where everyone can find it,
easily, instead of wasting their customers time trying a hundred and one
variations on try this and try that.

Earl Lewis
Earl the known issue I was referencing always involves Images on the

To ensure the reports are not suffering from corruption have you tried
1) Decompile the MDB
2) Import the contents of the MDB into a clean new MDB?


Stephen Lebans
Access Code, Tips and Tricks
Please respond only to the newsgroups so everyone can benefit.
Another thing that could cause the same message is if the temporary
variables in XP are pointing to a directory that doesn't exist.
I had ('til 2 days ago) the same problem with win2000 pro (kept
uptodate through "win update") and access 2000 (all updates).

Looking for answers, I found an old reply to the problem focusing (
.... please do not ask me why !!??!!) on display drivers.
I reinstalled the video card drivers (forcing the os, since a normal
windows update procedure does not detect any inconcistency) ... and
now my access application works fine!!

The question (if it's worth looking for one ...) is: which hell of
recent win2k update has affected the access stuff?
