Not British

Apr 19, 2005
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I am tired of this nation worrying about whether we are offending some
individual or their culture. Since the terrorist attacks on London, we
have experienced a surge in patriotism by the majority of Britons.
However, the dust from the attacks has barely settled when the
“politically correct” crowd begins complaining about the possibility that
our patriotism will offend others. I am not against immigration,
nor do I hold a grudge against anyone who is seeking a better life by coming to Britain.
However, there are a few things that those who have recently come to our country, and apparently some born here need to understand.
This idea of Britain being a multicultural community has served only to dilute our Sovereignty and our national identity.
As British, we have our own culture, our own society, our own language and our own lifestyle.
This culture has been developed over centuries of struggles, trials and victories by millions of men and women who have sought freedom.
We speak ENGLISH, not Spanish, Lebanese, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, or any other language. Therefore, if you wish to become part of our society, learn the language!
"In God We Trust" is our National Motto. This is not some Christian, right wing, political Slogan.

We adopted this motto because Christian men and women, on Christian principles, founded this nation, and this is clearly documented. It is certainly appropriate to display it on the walls of our schools. If God offends you, then I suggest you consider another part of the world as your new home, Because God is part of our culture.
If the Union Jack offends you, or you don't like "A Fair Go", then you should
seriously consider a move to another part of this planet.
We are happy with our culture and have no desire to change, and we really don't care how you did things where you came from.
This is OUR COUNTRY, OUR LAND, and OUR LIFESTYLE, and we will allow you every opportunity to enjoy all this.
But once you are done complaining, whining, and griping about Our Flag, Our Pledge, Our National Motto, or Our Way of Life, I highly encourage you take advantage of one other great British freedom,


If you aren't happy here then leave quickly! We didn't force you to come here. You asked to be here. So accept the country YOU accepted. Pretty easy really, when you think about it.

I agree with you for the most part - if I had moved to another country, I would not demand that they adapt to my beliefs and lifestyle. I think that political correctness sometimes goes too far.

However, I accept that todays society is more diverse than it once was, and certain allowances need to be made: We can't expect society to not move forward. As long as these allowances don't destroy our new national identity, I don't mind :)
Very well put and hope those who need to be taught are taught in the same style as you have laid it out by others too. :)

Do I have your permission to quote your message at other places?
'In God We Trust'

I thought that is American, because it is written all over their monopoly money!
"Her Brittanic Majesty's Seceretary of State Requests and requires in the Name of Her Majesty all those whom it may concern to allow the bearer to pass freely without let or hindrance, and to afford the bearer such assistance and protection as may be necessary."
I think that England will eventually become a country where the majority of people AREN'T English.

I am English - NOT EUROPEAN, or British for that matter.
Was that your own writing, itsme, or was it cut and pasted from elsewhere? It looks suspciously to me like American rhetoric, edited for UK use, I've seen similar stuff being quoted on American Forums.

'In God We Trust' is our National motto? Is it? Couldda sworn that was American.

Earliest signs of Christianity were around the start of the first millenium, or shortly after Christ died, or went back to heaven or whatever. An excellent book, though fictional, gives a good understanding of early Christianity is Melvyn Bragg's 'Credo'. Much of the story was based on extensive research into life at that time.

But before that time, there was obviously no Christianity and our History goes back further. The point I'm trying to make is - was the UK culture founded on Christianity? It's debatable. Again I mention that American culture was founded on Christianity, leading me to believe the opening post was written with America in mind.

I do broadly agree with that statement, but take exception to a couple of points, one being:

This idea of Britain being a multicultural community has served only to dilute our Sovereignty and our national identity.

Like it or loathe it we are a multicultural community and have been for some time, even before the large influx of West Indian immgrants in the fifties and sixties. In the second world war both black and Asian soliders fought alongside us.

I don't think National identity is being corroded a great deal, except perhaps in the cities, where many people are from another ethnic background other than white British. And perhaps corroded is a misnomer, I think some sections of our society other than white British have actually enriched our culture.

The second point I take exception to is:

If God offends you, then I suggest you consider another part of the world as your new home, Because God is part of our culture.

Now God doesn't offend me, except when some nutter knocks on my front door on a Sunday morning and tells me Jesus loves me, but I do tolerate other people's religion as relatively talking, it's harmless.

But I wouldn't consider moving to another country as I'm not a Christian, why should I? I was born and bred here, I consider myself British with a sub-clause of English (and certainly not European). The key word here is freedom. Here in the UK we do have freedom, for the most part, and that freedom means being able to follow almost any religion you care to, or not follow one at all.

The statement in the first post tends to forget that Christianity celebrates tolerance, freedom and being good towards your fellow man. It is almost arrogant to say effectively 'If you're not a Christian, then leave'

Now, I've said all that and I may come across as some left wing wishy washy liberal, but I'm not. I live in an inner city area, we got all sorts living here and for the most part we get on Ok. I see life around me, I try to be affable towards anybody I meet, and mostly succeed.

All I am hoping to point to here is common sense. I'm British, white, patriotic, am not ashamed of the Union Jack and actually supported the UK going into Iraq.

Since the tube trains and buses have been blown up very near to where I live, I must confess to having some serious misgivings about Muslims. I know this is probably wrong, but I can't help how I feel. I also feel that if the recent uprise in attacks and abuse towards Muslims and Mosques carries on the Terrorists have succeeded by planting dischord amongst communities.

But, like I said, my inner feelings sometimes betray my common sense, I'm only human.

That statement panders to people's fears and insecurities, it's jingoism almost at it's worst, yet some points did strike a chord with me.

Look at the people who died in the recent terror attacks - all colours, all nationalities, all faiths. The first funeral held was for a Muslim woman. Ironic eh?

So before we go pointing fingers and practice a doctrine of hate, get these attacks into perspective - they are being carried out by a sick and twisted minority, and are certainly not championed by the majority of Britain's Muslims.

I'm British, and I'm proud of it. Freedom and tolerance are as much a part of my culture as the flag of St. George and a red London bus.
I don't think anyone could have written that better than you Flops - i totally agree with pretty much everything said there... apart from i think we will end up being a little TOO multicultural, if Blair dosent get his act together.
Yes I wrote the article by rearranging some not all excerpts and adding my thoughts to parts of the post as not to give the impression I am prejudice, [of which I am not] I am Welsh and proud of it, but I am BRITISH at the end of it all.

If we call ourselves English>Welsh> Scottish>Irish, that’s ok but during war/terror/conflicts etc: we are BRITISH hence Great Britain that includes all of us christopherpostill as well??? WHY!!!! The King/Queen does not rule England on its own, but the United Kingdom and that includes Wales Ireland Scotland as well as England and ALSO PARTS OF the commonwealth.

Some people just don’t understand “united we stand divided we fall and that is the point I am trying to make!
I'd just like to point out that the people that blew themselves up in London were British citizens with the exact same rights as you or I.

As Brit' one of the only things I'm proud about this country is it's multiculturalism and I think that those against it have suffered from an extreme and unusual negative effect regarding a minority group - which cannot justify that - or they simply have lived and extremely sheltered life.

I'm also an athiest, and so, according to your post have little right to be in the country of my birth - interesting.

You critize the London bombers - as is right to do so - yet you attempt to stir up the same feelings, the same predudices and the same hate that got those people into 'terror'.
Matt Jason H said:
I'd just like to point out that the people that blew themselves up in London were British citizens with the exact same rights as you or I.

As Brit' one of the only things I'm proud about this country is it's multiculturalism and I think that those against it have suffered from an extreme and unusual negative effect regarding a minority group - which cannot justify that - or they simply have lived and extremely sheltered life.

I'm also an athiest, and so, according to your post have little right to be in the country of my birth - interesting.

You critize the London bombers - as is right to do so - yet you attempt to stir up the same feelings, the same predudices and the same hate that got those people into 'terror'.

If they want to blow themselves to smithereens then they are welcome to, but do it where there are no innocent bystanders and or others involved a nice quiet stretch of the coast would be fine.

Now as for their rights, when it comes to murder according to you it is correct? Well I beg to disagree with your decision on that.
You are a British subject! And the ONLY thing you are proud of is the fact it's multiculturalism, well if that’s all you are proud of regarding Great Brittan I do feel sorry for you.

I am not against multiculturalism at all; in fact I am in favour of it as many of my friends are of Asian/Afro descent.

They feel disgusted, as do I regarding what is going on.

You say you are an Atheist that is not a problem so am I, but I don’t go around

Condemning other faiths and preaching to others to become an atheist, you are what you are. I am not telling anyone to leave this country just give it the respect it deserves, immigrants accepted into this Great Brittan

At their request therefore they should show us that respect and not make an ass out of our hospitality.

I criticise all acts of terrorism not just in this country but worldwide, and as for stirring up the feelings of others and or enticing I feel that people i.e.: Mr Hook! Have done that for themselves over centuries of time.
Itsme said:

You are a British subject! And the ONLY thing you are proud of is the fact it's multiculturalism, well if that’s all you are proud of regarding Great Brittan I do feel sorry for you.

Originally posted my Matt Jason H:

As Brit' one of the only things I'm proud about this country is it's multiculturalism

Not the use of the words ‘one of’ which to my mind would indicate there is more than one thing.

Itsme said:

I am not telling anyone to leave this country

And had earlier said:

If God offends you, then I suggest you consider another part of the world as your new home, Because God is part of our culture.

Well you could have fooled me but I’d say that looks like a clear request to leave the UK if you don’t believe in the supposed Christian God.

Do I detect a little back pedalling here?

PS: Great Brittan is actually spelt Great Britain ;)
floppybootstomp said:
Itsme said:

Originally posted my Matt Jason H:

Not the use of the words ‘one of’ which to my mind would indicate there is more than one thing.

Itsme said:

And had earlier said:

Well you could have fooled me but I’d say that looks like a clear request to leave the UK if you don’t believe in the supposed Christian God.

Do I detect a little back pedalling here?

PS: Great Brittan is actually spelt Great Britain ;)

No back peddling here?
"If God offends you, then I suggest you consider another part of the world as your new home, Because God is part of our culture."

Allah is the Muslim god and he dose not offend me neither do any other gods.

What I am saying is why do people condemn one god in preference to another at the end of the day he appears to be one of the same?

Even in Great BRITAIN!:p
And that one is which ever one you want.

Just for record, Allah is the personal name of God in Aramaic, the language of Jesus and a sister language of Arabic.

... nice one Quad.

christopherpostill said:
If arguments start, i will feel i have no choice but to lock this thread.

Y'all are warned.

No argument from me! I apologise if I have upset anyone but those are my thoughts, I also fear free speech is at an end, as someone else has pointed out on this forum in a previous thread.

And then again you always get the goody goody! Who cannot see what’s happening until it is to late? Unfortunately that happens time and time again.
muckshifter said:

... nice one Quad.


It seemed more a matter of race than religion to me.

And if somebody chooses to post here telling people if they aren't Christian they should consider leaving the UK, I will respond.

This section of the Forum is meant to be for all discussion (note spelling).

And yes, I was aware that Jesus spoke Aramaic. I may not be a believer but I do know a little history.

I would suggest that if an individual wishes to start flag waving here then please make it their own effort, not make a hash job of re-writing some American rhetoric, as clearly some points in the opening post do not apply to the UK.

I sincerely try to steer clear of both politics and religion here, I will not start a thread on those subjects, but I will respond.

For the sake of harmony, I will no longer participate in this thread unless it's in reply to something directed at me personally. I have made the points I wish to make.