Balloon images from the link above. I resized to 800 x 600 for bandwidth savings. I am in the process of uploading full size images (all 400+) to my Copy account and will post a link when done. Some (about 3 or 4) of them are worth viewing full size to see all the detail in all its glory.
Shame I do not have a decent telephoto lens.
To give an idea of scale, Lake Windermere which we flew over is 14 miles long.
Wow! That must have been a great experience Abarbarian. You've taken some super pics, those vistas are stunning. Just like the other guys, I'm looking forward to seeing the rest of them.
Here is the link to the rest of the balloon pictures all 3 GB worth of them.I have only had time to view them in a rush so have not had a chance to get rid of the bad ones yet.
Also you can only load 25 files at a time to COPY so that took rather a long time with my slowwwwwwwwww connection.Plus Makalu's version of Chromium kept on flaking out on me. Using 100%+ of cpu and locking up every now and again. I recon it is a cache problem as a browser restart makde things tickety boo again. FF would not let me upload at all giving me some script warning.
Good news is I have only used up 3% of my free storage on Copy.At the rate I can upload it would take me about six months to upload and fill the other 97 GB.