Not able to edit Oracle data using Server Explorer

  • Thread starter Thread starter Sacha Korell
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Sacha Korell

I'm sure this has been discussed here many times before, but I just can't
seem to find a thread with information regarding this.

In a connection to an Oracle database using the MS OleDB Provider for
Oracle, I used to be able to see Database Diagrams, Tables, Synonyms, Views,
Stored Procedures, Functions, Package Specifications, and Package Bodies
(like mentioned in the MSDN Library) in the Server Explorer, but ever since
I upgraded to VS.NET 2003, all I see in the tree is Tables, Views, and
Stored Procedures. I am not even able to update data anymore.

Am I using the wrong provider? I do not see the native Oracle provider in
the list of providers to choose from, even after installing it separately.

This is really annoying and makes the Server Explorer (which I have come to
love) virtually useless for me.

Thanks for any suggestions,

Sacha Korell
I don't think the upgeade has to do anything to what options you are seeing
in Server Explorer when connecting to Oracle. I know the options that you
can see are directly related to the Oracle server Edition. For example
when connecting to the Oracle Personal Edition you will see less options
than connecting from the same machine to a full Oracle server.

I have a machine that was upgraded to VS.NET 2003 and still Server Explorer
shows all the previous Oracle functionality Options that was available when
it was VS.NET 2002.

Try to connect to different Oracle servers if possible and see what do you

Thank you for your reply Hussein!

I have other developers on my team who are still running VS.NET 2002, have
connections to the same database (connecting with the same privileges) and
see all options (and are able to update the data from Server Explorer which
I am not). I am running Oracle 8i Server (Standard Edition) on the server
that I am connecting to.


Thanks for the added info. Actually on my 2003 machine, I could see all
the options when I connect to my Oracle 8.16 server but looks like I
couldn't modify the data in the tables.

I did search on this and I found that VS.NET 2003 really did block the
ability to modify Oracle's data. Even I found out that if you install
VS.NET 2003 and 2002 on one machine, your VS.NET 2002 Server Exploer will
behave like 2003 because they share the same somponents. If you need this
functionality then you should keep VS.NET 2002 on seperate machine.

You should find other ways to modify Oracle data like writing code or using
some other tools.

I hope this helps!

Hussein Abuthuraya

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