I am able to create folders in "all the programs" but these folders can not
be opened form the start up menu to show programs inside. If you press the
right mouse button and select explore you can check the folder content. Why
not from the start menu?
When you look for properties of each of these new folders they are tagged as
read only, and if you try to uncheck this setting the computer applies the
setting but when you check again it is read only again.
I have installed windows vista enterprise.
be opened form the start up menu to show programs inside. If you press the
right mouse button and select explore you can check the folder content. Why
not from the start menu?
When you look for properties of each of these new folders they are tagged as
read only, and if you try to uncheck this setting the computer applies the
setting but when you check again it is read only again.
I have installed windows vista enterprise.