Other than the OP may be running WinXP, how does this relate to XP security,
except the OP has none. It is also evident Juan is completely uninformed on
work place policies and past court rulings in which employees use their
employer's equipment, whether it be a computer, copier, stapler, pen/pencil
or paper for personal use is concerned. All being used as such can be used
for just termination with cause (making one ineligible for unemployment
benefits), if said employer chooses to. It all belongs to the employer,
whether it be her personal business is irrelevant, and though many
employer's overlook some personal business as incidental, none will actually
approve of personal business in corporate policy as it becomes a liability.
To expound upon Rena's situation, we have no clue as to whether this
co-worker is a member of a domain admin group, thus to the average user,
would not show up as even a user of the system. Also, we don't know if the
system is secured, running FAT32 file system, or have had personal folders
redirected to a networked users folder for backup, again where a domain
admin would have access. Now depending on her position within the company
and the co-workers position in the company she may need to take matters up
with her supervisor, manager, director, IT or HR departments. Lastly, maybe
the co-worker is giving Rena a hint, maybe he/she knows the company is on to
her using the computer for personal use and he/she is trying to subtly warn
her before she is terminated, maybe the co-worker is the one that has been
requested to provide managers, supervisor, directors, or the HR and IT
departments with collaborating evidence to prove such personal use. Maybe
on the other hand she is doing legit company business requiring the utmost
in being secured from prying eyes, such as employee reviews, salary
increases/decreases, reprimands, etc, again here, her manager, supervisor,
director and IT security needs to be informed for corrective actions, both
to increase her PC security and to possibly start termination actions on
said co-worker, again as this co-worker could be circumventing IT security
in some manner to gain unauthorized access to personal data.
Rena, read, think and take the appropriate action(s), either you need to
cleanup your act or need to have someone else's act cleaned up.
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