Panda_man said:
Actually not so funny to me, as that pile of poo lost me a potentially
lucrative client in the form of a major shopfitting outfit a while back. They
_insisted_ on NAV, so I couldn't do much about it when Word started frezing
every time a file was saved. Other than, of course, to show them that a
computer without NAV didn't show the symptoms. They still wouldn't believe me
though, they'd rather believe that the brand-leader product couldn't
_possibly_ be defective. So they got another IT firm in (who probably told
them exactly the same thing...)
Last week, had a case where NIS suddenly and for no apparent reason stopped
a computer from resolving the site server's name, despite no changes in its
network settings. This laptop (a Tosh) had been supplied a year or more back
with NIS preinstalled, and the user had pleaded to retain it, so against my
better judgement I let him.
Ah well, somtimes I do get a glow of satisfaction from knowing I was right
all along... ;-)))