For anybody who might be tempted to buy this supposedly
upgraded product, I offer the following advice:
1. It comes with a built-in bug which results, on Start Up, in
and error message advising that "Tray Application" has a
problem, and that leads to a link to a Microsoft notice
that Symantec is aware of the problem but no solution is
available at this time.
2. NSW 2006 Premier, so Symantec has advised me, prevents
normal operation of PowerQuest (now Symantec) Drive Image 7.
Their solution is to abandon Drive Image 7 and instead use
Ghost which comes bundled in the NSW package.
upgraded product, I offer the following advice:
1. It comes with a built-in bug which results, on Start Up, in
and error message advising that "Tray Application" has a
problem, and that leads to a link to a Microsoft notice
that Symantec is aware of the problem but no solution is
available at this time.
2. NSW 2006 Premier, so Symantec has advised me, prevents
normal operation of PowerQuest (now Symantec) Drive Image 7.
Their solution is to abandon Drive Image 7 and instead use
Ghost which comes bundled in the NSW package.