Could anyone help me me this problem
Since i put norton 2003 firewall back on me pc.It wont let me sign
into msn
6 at all unless i disable it first.Also i cant retrieve email via
outlook express 6 and use liveupdate either,all of which need
disabling firewall to get the programs mentioned above to work. Any
help on this please kind regards mat
Never having used Norton, but I hear it has a setting like BlackIce has a
setting, which is *Block all unsolicited inbound traffic* or some similar
wording for Norton. What that setting or rule means or tells the FW is if
a program such as Outlook has solicited traffic from an IP/site, then it
will open the ports on the FW for inbound traffic that the
program/Outlook needs to communicate. As long as a program is running
behind the FW and ask for traffic from an IP/site, then the FW should
open the ports for the inbound. That's unless you have set rules to block
certain ports or IP(s).
If Norton has the setting *Block all unsolicited inbound traffic*, which
I think it has something similar, then enable it and disable any other
rules you have created. That should let the traffic in for any program
running on the machine that request traffic from an IP/site. If traffic
reaches the FW and was not do to a program running behind the FW asking
or soliciting for inbound traffic, the traffic will be blocked by the FW.
Also, if you're using XP and its ICF is enabled, then that could be
causing problems too on a double FW situation.