I am not supposed to mention this (due to a Norton Internet Security 2007
Private Beta NDA), but no it does not (at least not on Windows Vista Beta 2,
anyways). I do not have access to Windows Vista Build 5456, so I can not
try installing it on that Build, just Fyi. Over all, the software is
completely full of Bloatware, so I don't care if I lose access to the Norton
Beta anyways, since I perfer to use Avast 4.7 Home Edition on Windows Vista
Beta 2, and Windows Live One Care on Windows XP Service Pack 2 (I was in the
Private Beta and Love the Windows Live One Care Tee-Shirt that Microsoft
sent me as a Thank You Gift for being in the Private Beta), and I personally
hate how both McAfee Virus Scan and Norton Anti Virus mess up my Windows XP
Serive Pack 2 Installation's. I will most likely be Clean Installing
Windows Vista Beta 2 over this weekend (that is unless a new MSDN Release
comes out today), because Norton Internet Security 2007 Beta completely
messed up my Windows Vista Beta 2 Installation,just FYI. Install at your
own risk.