Norton Ghost question



A goggle search found an occasional mention of Norton Ghost on this ng.
Is this the proper ng for help on NG? If not, please direct me.

Don MI

JLunis said:
A goggle search found an occasional mention of Norton Ghost on this ng. Is
this the proper ng for help on NG? If not, please direct me.

While you may get an answer here for general questions, this group is for
Windows not Symantec.

Try the following link:

Depending on what version of Ghost you are using, in Help and Support {upper
right} click on Help and Support to go the same site.


Carey Frisch [MVP]

Animated Shockwave Ghost tutorial with sound

How to perform a disk-to-disk clone

Carey Frisch
Microsoft MVP
Windows XP - Shell/User
Microsoft Newsgroups

Be Smart! Protect Your PC!



| A goggle search found an occasional mention of Norton Ghost on this ng.
| Is this the proper ng for help on NG? If not, please direct me.


Don MI said:
While you may get an answer here for general questions, this group is for
Windows not Symantec.

Try the following link:

Depending on what version of Ghost you are using, in Help and Support
{upper right} click on Help and Support to go the same site.


In addition to Don's suggestion, you may also want to take a look at the newsgroup, assuming your news server
carries that NG. Don't let the "network" designation in the NG's title
concern you. From what I've seen, the queries and responses on that NG range
all over Ghost issues that have little or no connection with network

I would think you could also pose your Ghost queries to this NG assuming
they have some sort of connection with the XP OS. From my perusal of this NG
it seems that there are many responders eager to provide assistance to those
in need. Should you post to this NG, may I make a suggestion? Provide as
much detail as you possibly can concerning your specific problem as well as
the detailed steps you have taken to overcome the problem. Remember that the
more background info you provide re your problem(s), the more pertinent will
be the responses to your query. And before posing your question, first do a
reasonable amount of research on the net to determine if there are answers
to your problem. In so many cases a simple Google search will provide the
info you're looking for.
Good luck.

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