Norton Antivirus messed up network. Need help!



Guys, need urgent help!!!

My boss called me to update his Norton Antivirus in the office. When I
started installing 2006 version it told me that I have to remove version
2002, which I did and installed Norton 2006 then. When all was done the local
network they had went down...... He's gonna kill me tomorrow. I know nothing
about networking. What shall I do to restore it back? (I swear I did nothing
except uninstalling Norton Antivirus 2002 and installing 2006)

Thanks in advance....


dc2000 said:
Guys, need urgent help!!!

My boss called me to update his Norton Antivirus in the office. When I
started installing 2006 version it told me that I have to remove version
2002, which I did and installed Norton 2006 then. When all was done the local
network they had went down...... He's gonna kill me tomorrow. I know nothing
about networking. What shall I do to restore it back? (I swear I did nothing
except uninstalling Norton Antivirus 2002 and installing 2006)

Thanks in advance....

Was it Norton Internet Security 2002 that you removed? NIS is not the
same as NAV, and removal of 2004 on several machines we worked with
while installing 2006 was a pain - we actually removed 2006 and
installed Symantec Corp 10 for workstations/servers.

NAV 2006 is a pig, and your best option is removing all Norton AV
software (at this time) and installing the free AVG software until you
can get it fixed.

R. McCarty

AntiVirus only ? or one of the Security Suite packages like Norton
Internet Security. I'm not totally familiar with the 2006 product line,
but AV shouldn't interfere/block or take down a network. If it was
NIS then it added additional security features including a firewall that
would need to be configured. Usually, after reboot you have options
to pick network settings & locale.
You might want to try a System Restore - but make sure the data on
the PC is fully backed up. It's one thing to loose a network, another
to loose data. Best to go slow, not try random things to fix it and just
let someone more experienced take a look at it.


Thanks for your prompt response....

Yes, as I come to think about it, I think it was Norton Internet Security
2006 over NIS 2002. After reboot it asked if I'd like to use Norton firewall
instead of Windows default and as always they had that "recommended" part at
the end, I chose yes. So, now I see my mistake. What I did then when network
went down, I uninstalled this Norton hoping the problem will go away but it
didn't. The network drive still shows an error when I try to open it. A
different one thogh (something like "Cannot access bla-bla-bla.... and
worthless help button at the bottom)

Oh no, there's no way, I'm not going to use System Restore. THis will mess
it up even more. Nor can I call someone as it will cost them money and I'll
get into lots of trouble. It's a small business and they say every penny.

Is there any way I can undo this firewall option in Norton? Or at least how
can I configure it? What could be the problem???


Thanks for your prompt response....

Yeah, I think you're right. It was NIS. I cannot install any free stuff like
AVG as they want that damn Norton, no matter what. So I have to use it. My
main concern now is how to restore the network connection back???? I
uninstalled that NIS 2006 but it didn't help. All the shortcuts for network
stayed but when I try opening network folder it gives out an error.

Plus, what is that Symantec Corp 10? How can I use it and where to get it?

R. McCarty

From within the NIS main panel, there are configuration options to
enable or disable certain functions. Once the NIS firewall is off, the
native XP firewall should re-active. Verify by running Security Ctr
in Control Panel.


dc2000 said:
Thanks for your prompt response....

Yeah, I think you're right. It was NIS. I cannot install any free stuff like
AVG as they want that damn Norton, no matter what. So I have to use it. My
main concern now is how to restore the network connection back???? I
uninstalled that NIS 2006 but it didn't help. All the shortcuts for network
stayed but when I try opening network folder it gives out an error.

Plus, what is that Symantec Corp 10? How can I use it and where to get it?

there is a NIS removal tool on the Symantec support site, you'll have to
search for it and then run it / reboot.

Under enterprise businesses, you'll find Symantec Corp 10.1 for
workstations and servers - min is 10 licenses (about $560).


Thanks man. I'll try tomorrow.

What a PIECE OF SH*T this Norton is! I cannot imagine that I have to search
for uninstaller to remove it!!!!!!


Just for information -- whoever might encounter it too. I fixed the problem.
It took me awhile though. First I tried that Norton uninstall tool, which
made things even worse! It didn't complete whatever it was doing as I had
Symantec pcAnywhere installed. Then I tried manual uninstall and after
running all their files my system totally crashed! I could not even reboot
it! So, my advice don't go this route!!!

Eventually, I had to boot up in a Safe Mode and use System Restore, which
did it's job. I restored everything to the point when I had older version
2002 on. It restored network connections as well, after which it took me 3
more hours of uninstalling NIS 2002, then installing NIS 2006 with probably
six "please reboot your PC" windows and lengthy system scans.

The bottomline -- do not install firewall that comes with NIS 2006 by
default. It was a culprit in my case. When I skipped it everything was
working fine. And also, if you have an option DO NOT use Norton products -- I
don't know what kind of terrorist writes them -- I'd rather go with AVG,
which I have at home and never have problems with.



Just for information -- whoever might encounter it too. I fixed the problem.
It took me awhile though. First I tried that Norton uninstall tool, which
made things even worse! It didn't complete whatever it was doing as I had
Symantec pcAnywhere installed. Then I tried manual uninstall and after
running all their files my system totally crashed! I could not even reboot
it! So, my advice don't go this route!!!

Eventually, I had to boot up in a Safe Mode and use System Restore, which
did it's job. I restored everything to the point when I had older version
2002 on. It restored network connections as well, after which it took me 3
more hours of uninstalling NIS 2002, then installing NIS 2006 with probably
six "please reboot your PC" windows and lengthy system scans.

The bottomline -- do not install firewall that comes with NIS 2006 by
default. It was a culprit in my case. When I skipped it everything was
working fine. And also, if you have an option DO NOT use Norton products -- I
don't know what kind of terrorist writes them -- I'd rather go with AVG,
which I have at home and never have problems with.


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