norton antivirus beta microsoft spyware difft results



Several deep scans of the microsoft spyware come up
clean, after removing many problems on the first 2 trys.
However, Norton Antivirus picks up a backdoor trojan
aqadcup.exe despite a clean spyware scan. Norton system
cannot remove the problem. Suggestions?


First of all, MS-anti-spyware and Norton Anti-virus are not looking for the
same thing. Do not expect any spyware removal software to take the place of
Anti Virus software. Conversly, AV software is not designed to remove all
spyware (even though they are making a bad attempt at it). So, it looks
like you are getting a virus notification. Google is your friend for
helping to identify files. A Google search on aqadcup.exe took me to which provided me with
the name of the virus "". Trend is my choice for AV info so I
checked there and found

Andre Da Costa

Norton Antivirus - Virus
Microsoft Antispyware - Spyware
Norton AntiSpam - Spam

Big differences.


Bill Sanderson

I would recommend restarting your system in Safe mode.

Re-scan with both Norton Antivirus, and with Microsoft Antispyware, until
each comes up clean.

If Norton continues to fail to clean a particular object, please note the
precise name they give for the infection. They usually have good manual
cleaning steps on their web site, but I wasn't able to spot those by the
name of the executable you gave.

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