Yesterday, on a laptop, I did a Microsoft Antispyware scan. During the
scan, as files were being "touched" the antivirus app flagged about half a
dozen files as infected. These were all HTML files from Dell--manuals or
patches for the laptop. I foolishly did a subsequent scan with the
antivirus, and it deleted the files. I'm certain that these were false
positives, but it's an illustration of the interaction between the products.
The antivirus didn't notice these files until they were touched by the
antispyware app. It would have found them on a full system scan, which was
what I did. Had they been actual viruses--perhaps brand new ones that got
onto my system ahead of the definitions, there would have been some risk.
As it is, I'll need to go get those files again, probably. And complain to
the vendor.