In my opinion, one should not do incremental backups of OS
partitions to start with. Incremental backups of data partitions
are fine. Incremental partitions of apps partitions may be OK.
But not OS partitions. They are so complicated, so intricately
entwined, I think the whole partition should be backed up each
time. That way, when you have to restore, you get immediately
back to a coherent state that is known to work.
Cant agree with that at all. OS partitions in fact arent actually
that dynamic, most of the stuff on them is pretty static over
time except for the stuff like the internet cache etc which doesnt
matter which state ends up in the backup in any practical sense.
I certainly wouldnt be stupid enough to do an incremental
backup while say installing or updating, and since I have
a single OS and apps partition, and dont bother to try to
keep the app internal data files in a separate partition,
I close the email client down so it wont be updating during
the incremental backup and dont say add appointments in
Outlook etc during the incremental backup, but you still get
the benefit of not having the much longer time for a full backup.
The most I do is just not do anything in the apps apart from
maybe playing freecell while the incremental backup happens etc.
And with modern equipment, it doesn't even take that long.
Still long enough so that you can be tempted to
do an install or update without the protection of
an incremental backup just before doing those.
With Ghost 2003 floppies, a USB2 port and an
external HD, it takes me 7 minutes to back up
a 15 GB OS partition that has 5 GB full.
Like I said, I prefer a combined OS and apps partition
and that takes considerably longer and even 7 mins is
too long for me, too tempted to risk it.
And with incremental backups I'm tempted to go back
to a single partition for OS apps and data and its never
going to be fast enough to do a full backup on anything
but some special purpose machine like the one in the
kitchen that doesnt have any data files on it at all.
And with the special purpose machines its generally
most convenient to have them backup over the lan
and that aint anything like fast enough even when they
are relatively small machines like say a 5GB system.
So, don't rely on incremental OS backups. Back it up full every time.
No thanks, I prefer to just not use the system while
the incremental backup is happening for anything
more important than say a game etc or web browsing.
And keep your data on a separate partition,
and back that up any way you want.
While I do that currently because of the full backup time,
I'm considering redoing that now and going incremental.
Not mine.
Well, maybe that came across a little dogmatic.
Just a tad.
If one wants to do incremental imaging of the OS partition to
capture the occasional file that ends up on the desktop or in My
Documents, then fine. But don'trely on it to restore the system.
Thats what I want the last minute backup for, so I can step
back gracefully with total certainty that I am back where I
started before the install that went pear shaped etc.
There, that is more diplomatic.
But not really any more logical/rational over just not doing
anything while the incremental backup is happening.