I understand. You need to Fix Live Update to get the SP2 patch. Here's how:
"It's functional otherwise and doesn't cause any BSOD. I'll keep NAV 2003 on
until I can get any sort of feedback from the Symantec folks."
Read Below: The Catch is to make NAV or NSW compatible with SP2 you need
for Live Update to work perfectly so it can get yesterday's compatibility
Thanks for the info. I was getting at two things I'll try to make more
clear and hope they help you. "All the updates" I don't care about right
now, just the patch for SP2 because that could be key for you. Live Update
should have gotten that done automatically yesterday. That's the only way
to get the Norton Patch for SP2. The other point is that Norton handles
problems with Live Update installation errors with one bottom line KB--1812
linked below. Live Update is not all that important, but it is for the
*Norton SP2 compatibility patch.* It's the only way they are delivering it.
1) What I'm seeing on a lot of groups is that people who use 2004 and 2005
are having considerably less compatibility problems with Norton anything and
XP SP2. This was even before the update patch provided yesterday by Norton
for SP2. So you may want to install Norton Antivirus 2004 --and now that it
can get the patch it should avoid that BSODinstead of your NSW 2003 for that
very reason. I understand why you booted 2004--none of us wants a BSOD and
where it could lead--to not being able to boot to Windows. But either of
them might work if you get one Live Update--the compatibility patch released
yesterday by Norton for SP2.
Here's the announcment of the patch--but the catch is that Live Update has
to work to get the patch--it's not available on their site and their Tech
Support is using Norton KB on error 1812 to fix Live Update.
You may want to use your 2004 NAV--I know there are fans of a lot of the
components/utilities of NSW like One Button Check and Win Doctor and their
staff--which make a little more space by clearing up shortcuts and doesn't
tend to the registry nearly as efficiently as an app like Winguides Registry
2) The update I was particularly interested in via Live Update for you was
*only one.* Here's why--it fixes Norton for SP2 in most cases. Yesterday,
early in the AM--probably while most people were sleeping--Live Update
automatically installed a patch for XP SP2 to make Norton work with it. One
sign that it is working is that Microsft's simplistic Windows Security
Center at the Control Panel Applet--for people who can't figure out whether
their AV or Firewall are on or off or forget that they exist or to turn them
on--MSFT is trying to make sure you don't forget--will recognize Norton AV.
The more important result is that when that Security Center does recognize
NAV--NAV works--scanning, Auto Update--you don't get boots with Norton off,
and Live Update works.
3) When you get any "installing error" what you almost always get is the KB
below 1806 and it's bottom line is to click on "common clients's plus sign"
and then click on the entry that shows which will lead you to their bottom
line KB (I know--they could have served it up to you in the first place
which is the Error 1812 KB for what to do with Live Update Installation
See these Homer--They make you read through 1806 to get to 1812--that's why
I put 1812 on top--its their bottom line to the Live Update Install Problem:
Let me know if you get it fixed. If you can get throught the current hour
to two hour wait for paid support that's what the Symantec techs will tell
Good luck,
Chad Harris
Homer J. Simpson said:
Is *Live Update* working on NAV2004 now?
Hi Chad,
Yes, Live Update was working (?? never had a problem with it) and I got the
latest updates, to the extent where it claimed I had the latest version of
every component and there was nothing else available for me to download.
I still had Norton 2003, so I uninstalled NAV 2004 and installed that--it
works fine, except it runs into some error installing the "Symantec Common
Client Updates". It's functional otherwise and doesn't cause any BSOD.
I'll keep NAV 2003 on until I can get any sort of feedback from the Symantec