Northwind/Customers Orders/Combo box

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I am working through parts of the MS tutorial - Northwind and particularly the form "Customers Orders" as it closely parallels some of the things I am doing with my db. I may have missed it somewhere, but is there a way to have the "customer name" made into a combo box which would then advance the records. Rather than filter or click through the 1-91 records of Northwind, to find a particular customer and the appended sub-form, a combo box would be handy. My db has a similar number of records (actually about 150) and I would like to be able to go directly to the client, i.e. Mr. Green or Mr. Smith, with all the sub-form info. following. In fact, if by clicking on the combo box the actual record number would advance to what ever number it is, that would be great, so I wouldn't get the message that it can't be saved, etc. etc.

Thanks for your help. Norm.
Surely, the third option on the first page of the Combo Box Wizard will
create you a Combo to to exactly what you want. It will be unbound... if you
try to do this with a bound Combo, you'll overlay the information in the
current record (not likely what you want to do).

Larry Linson
Microsoft Access MVP

Norm Henderson said:
I am working through parts of the MS tutorial - Northwind and particularly
the form "Customers Orders" as it closely parallels some of the things I am
doing with my db. I may have missed it somewhere, but is there a way to have
the "customer name" made into a combo box which would then advance the
records. Rather than filter or click through the 1-91 records of Northwind,
to find a particular customer and the appended sub-form, a combo box would
be handy. My db has a similar number of records (actually about 150) and I
would like to be able to go directly to the client, i.e. Mr. Green or Mr.
Smith, with all the sub-form info. following. In fact, if by clicking on the
combo box the actual record number would advance to what ever number it is,
that would be great, so I wouldn't get the message that it can't be saved,
etc. etc.
Hi Norm,

I have a Word document that I prepared some time ago, to give to students in an Access
2002 course that I used to teach at Bellevue Community College, which details the steps
involved. It starts with the third option on the first page of the Combo Box wizard, as
Larry indicated. I'll send a copy of this document to you and anyone else who wants it.
Just let me know. Send a reply to me directly if you want a copy.

Tom Wickerath
Bellevue, WA. USA


Surely, the third option on the first page of the Combo Box Wizard will
create you a Combo to to exactly what you want. It will be unbound... if you
try to do this with a bound Combo, you'll overlay the information in the
current record (not likely what you want to do).

Larry Linson
Microsoft Access MVP


I am working through parts of the MS tutorial - Northwind and particularly
the form "Customers Orders" as it closely parallels some of the things I am
doing with my db. I may have missed it somewhere, but is there a way to have
the "customer name" made into a combo box which would then advance the
records. Rather than filter or click through the 1-91 records of Northwind,
to find a particular customer and the appended sub-form, a combo box would
be handy. My db has a similar number of records (actually about 150) and I
would like to be able to go directly to the client, i.e. Mr. Green or Mr.
Smith, with all the sub-form info. following. In fact, if by clicking on the
combo box the actual record number would advance to what ever number it is,
that would be great, so I wouldn't get the message that it can't be saved,
etc. etc.
Thanks Larry - appreciate your guidance - and the third option was sitting there and I just didn't read it!
Many thanks, Tom for your note and offer of your WORD document. I e-mailed you as you requested but the e-mail came back to me as undeliverable. I am wondering if there was an error in the address?

In any event, if you read this post, I would be anxious to receive your document. My message said the following:
Many thanks for your response to my post on the MS Communities Access. I would very much like to receive your document on the variations for the Combo Box.

I wonder if you might also have a document that would achieve the following: I have a database with about 150 members and have used skills and keywords to show their resumes. My question in the above post will satisfy the first question - listing each member with their respective skills and keywords - using the combo box to go easily to a particular person.

Now I want to turn it around and do a search using a particular skill and keyword and find the persons who posses such criteria. I will need to have 2 combo boxes - skill and keyword. In the db I have a table of persons (150 records); a table of skills (about 20 records) and a table of keywords (about 50 records). I have a joining table that lists all the persons and their skills and keywords (about 600 records). The relationship is Person table >>one-to-many>>joining table <<many-to-one<<tbl of skills and <<many-to-one <<tbl of keywords.

Having 2 combo boxes is giving me trouble. If you have any documents or thoughts on this, I would be most grateful.

Norm Henderson.