Ben Fullerton
Somewhere, a while ago, I read that some hardware builder had been smart
enough to do an almost exact copy of the Northgate OmniKey 102 AT
keyboard. Same layout, same quality, etc.
This one is still going strong after 11 years but I would like to find
another one for my second computer. It currently has a Cirque GKB340
'Wave' keyboard with the small "signature pad" that doubles as a mouse.
I have spent a year trying to become accustomed to it and I still hate
I spent almost twenty years (NOT full time) using a straight keyboard and
the last eleven with the Northgate. In my opinion, it is superior in every
way - key placement (F keys to the left, not on top, etc.), rugged,
versatile, and with layout design by a professional computer user and
reviewer, not an engineer.
Anybody in Canada want to trade me a Northgate OminKey 102 for the Cirque?
I doubt it very much!
Ben F.
benf @ chebucto . ca
enough to do an almost exact copy of the Northgate OmniKey 102 AT
keyboard. Same layout, same quality, etc.
This one is still going strong after 11 years but I would like to find
another one for my second computer. It currently has a Cirque GKB340
'Wave' keyboard with the small "signature pad" that doubles as a mouse.
I have spent a year trying to become accustomed to it and I still hate
I spent almost twenty years (NOT full time) using a straight keyboard and
the last eleven with the Northgate. In my opinion, it is superior in every
way - key placement (F keys to the left, not on top, etc.), rugged,
versatile, and with layout design by a professional computer user and
reviewer, not an engineer.
Anybody in Canada want to trade me a Northgate OminKey 102 for the Cirque?
I doubt it very much!

Ben F.
benf @ chebucto . ca