Northerners Should Move South


Yorkshire Cruncher
Mar 21, 2007
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Story HERE

And, anyway, where will everyone live? The South is overcrowded now.
What a ridiculous suggestion - I read this on BBC news too, and it said that 3 million homes should be built in the south to cater for this?

The South is overcrowded enough as it is, it would just be adding to the problem even more! Now that the UK heavy industry is disappearing, it's going to be London and the surrounding areas that benefit most from the UK's financial/services sector (and I can't see how that will change).

I think I'll be staying in Manchester thanks ;)
Oh nos oh nos I can just picture it now, our pubs full of northern monkeys and scousers robbing our houses and Geordies taking all our women. Oh, the horror, the horror.... :eek:

You'd think a Tory think tank might have supressed that report what with an election due in the near future, the pillocks :rolleyes:
Can we not just send all those from the North to Australia to start a new life?:eek:
Ian Cunningham said:
and it said that 3 million homes should be built in the south

As it is there is a major shortage of housing in the South..And the vast majority of homeless people down South are in fact mostly Northern...Sort the social housing out here fist before anymore people come down here..If I had a choice though I would be up north..
Madxgraphics said:
If I had a choice though I would be up north..

Hey ! We don't want Southerners up here - they would only spoil everything. ;)

However, South Africans we might just accept. :p In fact you couldn't get much more south in an almost straight line from the UK than Cape Town ( Cape Aghulas excepted) until you reach Antarctica.

See what you have started nivrip, next you will want to invade Poland.:p

Yeah ! Poland first, then THE WORLD.
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nivrip said:
Hey ! We don't want Southerners up here - they would only spoil everything. ;)

However, South Africans we might just accept. :p In fact you couldn't get much more south in an almost straight line from the UK than Cape Town ( Cape Aghulas excepted) until you reach Antarctica.

Yeah ! Poland first, then THE WORLD.

South African with Geordie blood I might add....
Think i will be the Swiss on this one and stay in birmingham, in the backyard sitting on my fence.
Middle Earth Stoke.. Hear the Northerners and Southerners speak and have made a decision ..can`t understand both...but come the day of flooding me and Leek will be looking over you all...Oh and i do favour the North for its undoubted skill at Engineering North it is and Stoke i am :)
I guess we could ask all the crims living up north if they would like to move down south and live in a nice new house in a nice rich area. Be a nice fresh start for em.

Abarbarian said:
I guess we could ask all the crims living up north if they would like to move down south and live in a nice new house in a nice rich area. Be a nice fresh start for em.


Hahahahahahahahaha.... yep :D

I'm a city boy, a London boy, a southerner, I like this place, but....

I will say this.

I have travelled these fair isles quite a bit in this lifetime of mine and I will say that Northerners have more hospitality in their little fingers than a whole bunch of yuppie Londoners have in their entire body.

I've been welcomed in Liverpool, Newcastle, Redcar, Whitby, Manchester et al. I honestly don't think I'd get that welcome if I came from Bradford and settled in Stockwell, say.

And that be the truth.

Having said that, I love London, but I was raised here and know people.

To move here is daunting. As ever, that Tory think tank report shows their true colours.

Oh, and I was born in Birkenhead, dunno if that's relevant.... ;)
michael 118 said:
the southern taxpayer owns most of the north anyway :rolleyes:

What a comment. I presume that you alone are keeping Hull afloat with your tax payments?!

I am a southerner who has moved north and will never move back. As flops correctly points out, people tend to be much more friendly and hospitable the further north you go... having lived with both, I know what I prefer.

People may earn more in London and hence pay more tax, but for what?! £200k will buy you a 1 bedroom flat; in the north you could get a 3/4 bedroomed house... the same principle applies widely (most importantly, a pint of beer).

There was that program on BBC1 a while back.

Generally the further north you live the more tax money you have spent on you i.e free uni education if in Scotland, however the further north you are generally the less tax you generate.

Thats why there was a debate about that town on the Scot/Eng boarder and where to class it as. The majority wanted it to stay in Scotland as they had like an extra £500 spent on them per year.