Northern Lights (Aurora Borealis)


Crunchy Cat
Jun 1, 2006
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Over the next few nights, there is a good chance that the Northern Lights will be visible from some parts of the UK, thanks to solar storms which have been taking place. Article here.

This is a phenomenon I have always longed to see, but skies are a bit thick with cloud here in S. Wales, so absolutely no chance tonight; but according to the experts, the Lights could be visible over several nights, so hope someone will catch the show. Good luck. :thumb:
I shall keep an eye out but today it's very overcast and grey in my neck of the woods.

I shall have me camera ready just in case :)
Love to see it but thick cloud and mist here. :mad:

Maybe tomorrow.:rolleyes:
As far as I remember,on the radio the other day it was said that it would only last for two days at the most.So by tonight it`s all over. And guess what----we have heavy cloudy sky----rats!!
historian :(
Too much cloud around here also... and probably a bit too far south. Oh well, better luck next time eh? :)
Really hope i see some of this but i aint holding out much hope. ITs been very cloudy so far....
Some spectacular photos in your link Ian; :thumb: isn't it annoying that our skies always seem to cloud over, whenever there's potentially something interesting to see. Duh! :(
Due to the biggest sunspot activity for 4 years this was a real chance..unfortunately it would not have been seen south of Scotland, The sun is reaching its 11 year peak of solar activity other words it is waking up :D